

正文概述 王宝红   2023-09-20  


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)





Flamingo (火烈鸟)

Biologist and photographer Claudio Contreras Koob spent 20 years travelling deep into the wet lands and forests of his native Mexico—and beyond—to feed his flamingo attraction. This book offers a unique window into the behavior and life of red-feathered birds, with more than 120 show-stopping shots displaying their beauty. teNeues, £35.

Around the World in 80 Birds

Inspiring secrets, national pride or scientific discoveries, every bird has a story to tell, from the weaver bird building multi-nest “apartment blocks” in Namibia to the bar-headed goose taking on a twice-yearly trans-Himalayan journey at an extreme altitude. Mike Unwin’s tour is accompanied by beautiful illustrations from Ryuto Miyake. Laurence King Publishing, £22.

A World on the Wing

Pulitzer-shortlisted Weidensaul, who’s at the forefront of research into bird migration, here tracks some of nature’s most remarkable journeys. He sails through the stormy Bering Sea, encounters trappers in the Mediterranean and visits former headhunters in northeast India, where a bird migration crisis has become a conservation success story. Pan Macmillan, £9.99.

Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds

Explore this updated version of the 1968 title, Galapagos: Islands of Birds, by late bird expert Bryan Nelson, with previously unpublished material from his wife, June. The couple spent a year living on two Galapagos islands, studying birds, including the Galapagos albatross (信天翁). This is their clever and amusing account. Bradt Guides, £11.99.

21By whom is the second costliest book illustrated?

AClaudio Contreras Koob. BMike Unwin.

CRyuto Miyake. DWeidensaul.

22Which book best suits those concerned about the survival of migratory birds?

AFlamingo. BAround the World in 80 Birds.

CA World on the Wing. DGalapagos: Island of Birds.

23What feature may Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds have?

AIts humorous description. BIts romantic style.

CIts vivid imagination. DIts moving plot.


【答案】21C    22C    23A



21.细节理解题。根据文章内容可知Flamingo售价35英镑;Around the World in 80 Birds售价22英镑;A World on the Wing售价9.9英镑;Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds售价11.99英镑。再根据Around the World in 80 Birds部分中“Mike Unwin’s tour is accompanied by beautiful illustrations from Ryuto Miyake.(Mike Unwin的旅行伴随着Ryuto Miyake的美丽插图)”故第二贵的插图书是Ryuto Miyake写的。故选C

22.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“Pulitzer-shortlisted Weidensaul, who’s at the forefront of research into bird migration, here tracks some of nature’s most remarkable journeys. He sails through the stormy Bering Sea, encounters trappers in the Mediterranean and visits former headhunters in northeast India, where a bird migration crisis has become a conservation success story.(入围普利策奖的Weidensaul站在鸟类迁徙研究的最前沿,他在这里追踪了一些大自然最非凡的旅程。他航行穿过狂风暴雨的白令海,在地中海遇到捕猎者,并拜访印度东北部的前猎头,那里的鸟类迁徙危机已成为保护鸟类的成功案例)”可知,A World on the Wing最适合那些关心候鸟生存的人。故选C

23.细节理解题。根据Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds部分中“This is their clever and amusing account.(这是他们机智而有趣的叙述)”可知,Galapagos Crusoes: A Year Alone with the Birds的特色是幽默的描述。故选A


2023·陕西宝鸡·统考二模)When I was younger, I had been a top student with a strong desire to attend a top university. But things started to go downhill for me in high school after my parents divorced. Torn between wanting to be with my mother, who moved to Canada alone with no support, and with my beloved aging grandfather in Pakistan, I moved back and forth, struggling with my studies. I barely graduated from high school and entered an ordinary college, feeling that I had already failed.

I got discouraged, and began to suffer from severe depression. The death of my grandfather was the final straw. With no real hope for the future, I dropped out and returned to my mother and sisters in Canada.

Then I was riding with a trucking company to help support my mother and sisters. During those long hours on the road, my grandfather’s last words came back to me: “Please accept the challenges of life and work harder. It is now or never. I hope you will never disappoint us.” With his words ringing in my ears, I discovered a newfound resolve. My path suddenly became clear: I had to finish what I had started and go back to school.

To get back on track, I needed to take a full course load while continuing to work enough part-time hours to help pay the bills. After graduating from high school again, I began university engineering cooperation program, in which I worked as a paid intern (实习生) every other term, allowing me to keep my student loans in check. At the same time, I tried my best to focus on my studies. After completing my university, I went on to a master’s and now a PhD, wining several research awards along the way.

My path to this point has made one thing clear: Never fear failure. I hope I have made my grandfather proud.

24Which of the following can best describe the author’s life in his first high school?

AStruggling. BOrdinary. CFruitful. DBoring.

25Why did the author drop out of college?

AHe had a big family to support. BHe had to get a well-paid job.

CHe felt hopeless about the future. DHe fought with his classmate.

26How did the author get the idea of returning to school?

AHe was laughed at by his mother and sisters. BHe was encouraged to win research awards.

CHe was motivated by his grandfather s words. DHe was forced to acquire more skills at work.

27In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

ABusiness. BScience. CHealth. DLife.


【答案】24A    25C    26C    27D



24.细节理解题。根据第一段“But things started to go downhill for me in high school after my parents divorced. Torn between wanting to be with my mother, who moved to Canada alone with no support, and with my beloved aging grandfather in Pakistan, I moved back and forth, struggling with my studies. (但在我的父母离婚后,我的高中生活开始走下坡路。我想和母亲在一起,她独自一人搬到了加拿大,没有人支持她;我又想和我深爱的、年迈的祖父在巴基斯坦。我来回奔波,努力学习)”可知,作者的第一段高中生活纠结而挣扎。故选A

25.细节理解题。根据第二段“With no real hope for the future, I dropped out and returned to my mother and sisters in Canada. (由于对未来没有真正的希望,我退学了,回到了加拿大的母亲和姐妹们身边)”可知,作者对未来无望,因而退学。故选C

26.细节理解题。根据第三段“During those long hours on the road, my grandfather’s last words came back to me: “Please accept the challenges of life and work harder. It is now or never. I hope you will never disappoint us.” With his words ringing in my ears, I discovered a newfound resolve. My path suddenly became clear: I had to finish what I had started and go back to school. (在漫长的旅途中,我想起了祖父的最后一句话:请接受生活的挑战,更加努力地工作。机不可失,时不再来。我希望你永远不会让我们失望。他的话在我耳边回响,我有了新的决心。我的道路突然变得清晰起来:我必须完成我已经开始的事情,回到学校)”可知,爷爷临终前的话激励作者重返校园。故选C



2023·河南开封·统考三模)The way students spend their weekends can vary. Once you get to college, students see the weekend to forget about everything. Most of the time it is going out with friends, but when you decide to turn that down, you are looked at to be lame. What's up with this?

In college, going out can seem like the main thing that happens during the weekend. But not everyone is into that —some students study or stay in with friends, and others simply just don’t go out because it is not their type of thing. If you are one of those people who decides to stay in, you probably know the feeling of being the “lame friend”.

When students feel this way, they can also feel pressured into doing something that they originally did not want to do. Just because a person does not want to go out and party and drink does not mean that they are lame—they just have a different idea of a fun weekend.

I don’t think we should assume that everyone needs to go out during the weekend in order to have fun, and the social pressure to do so can feel broken. I will speak from my own experience: When the weekend comes around, I overthink and start to get a rush of anxiety. Why? Because I might be judged for not going out, or I might miss something if I don’t go to this specific party that everyone is going to. I’m sure there are others that feel the same way and have had similar experiences, and they don’t deserve to feel the way I do either.

We should keep in mind that individuals are going through their own personal situations, and everyone has their own reasons for not going out. Staying in and watching a movie by yourself or with friends is not a bad thing, and people should normalize that not going out on the weekends is really not the worst thing.

28Why does the author raise a question in paragraph 1?

ATo doubt students’behaviour. BTo correct schools’ management.

CTo blame friends’ rejection. DTo deny others’ judgement.

29What is the lame friend probably like according to the text?

AThe one without friends. BThe one with serious anxiety.

CThe one with less outside activities. DThe one with the deadly leg disability.

30What does the author suggest students do in the text?

AHow to spend weekends is up to you.

BStudy should be put first in college.

CGoing to the party everyone is going to is a must.

DWhat to do at weekends is well worth considering.

31What can we conclude from the text?

AA good friend is my nearest relation. BBe the chess player, not the chess piece.

CA man cannot be judged by his appearance. DInterest is the seed, the action are the fruits.


【答案】28D    29C    30A    31B



28.推理判断题。根据第二段“But not everyone is into that —some students study or stay in with friends, and others simply just don’t go out because it is not their type of thing.”(但并不是每个人都喜欢这样——一些学生学习或和朋友呆在一起,而另一些学生只是不出去,因为这不是他们喜欢的类型。)可知,作者在第一段提出问题是为了表明作者对周末不出去玩便认为很差劲的评价持不认可态度。故选D项。

29.细节理解题。根据第二段“ If you are one of those people who decides to stay in, you probably know the feeling of being the “lame friend”. ”(如果你是那些决定留在家里的人之一,你可能知道做跛脚朋友的感觉。)可知,跛脚朋友指代的是户外活动较少的同学。故选C项。

30.推理判断题。根据最后一段“We should keep in mind that individuals are going through their own personal situations, and everyone has their own reasons for not going out.”(我们应该记住,每个人都在经历自己的个人情况,每个人不出门都有自己的原因。)可知,作者建议学生们要自己决定如何过周末。故选A项。

31.推理判断题。根据最后一段“We should keep in mind that individuals are going through their own personal situations, and everyone has their own reasons for not going out.”我们应该记住,每个人都在经历自己的个人情况,每个人不出门都有自己的原因。)可知,每个人都有自己的个人情况,每个人都有自己不出门的理由。即如何度过周末由自己决定,我们要有自己的独立思考,B做一个棋手,而不是棋子的潜在含义是自己掌握命运,不要被人摆布,符合题意。故选B项。


2023·重庆·校联考三模)A robot created at Stanford University in California is diving down to shipwrecks (沉船) and sunken planes in a way that humans can’t do. Known as OceanOneK, the robot allows its operators to feel like they’re underwater explorers, too. OceanOneK resembles a human diver from the front, with arms and hands and eyes that have 3D vision, capturing the underwater world in full color. The back of the robot has computers and eight multidirectional thrusters that help it carefully explore the sites of fragile sunken ships. When an operator at the ocean’s surface uses controls to direct OceanOneK, the robot’s touch-based feedback system causes the person to feel the water’s resistance as well as the forms of artifacts (人工制品).

OceanOneK’s realistic sight and touch capabilities are enough to make people feel like they’re diving down to the depths-without the dangers or immense underwater pressure a human diver would experience.

The idea for OceanOneK came from a desire to study coral reefs in the Red Sea at depths beyond the normal range for divers. While OceanOneK was designed to reach maximum depths of 656 feet, researchers had a new goal: 1 kilometer, hence the new name for OceanOneK.

The researchers changed the robot’s body by using special foam to increase buoyancy (浮力) and fight the pressures of 1, 000 meters-more than 100 times what humans experience at sea level. OceanOneK also got two new types of hands and increased arm and head motion.

During OceanOneK’s deep dive in February, team members discovered the robot couldn’t rise when they stopped for a thruster cheek. Flotations on the communications and power line had collapsed, causing the line to pile on the top of the robot.

They were able to pull in the slack, and OceanOneK’s descent was a success. It dropped off a memorial marker on the seabed that reads, “A robot’s first touch of the deep seafloor A vast new world for humans to explore. ”

Khatib, a professor, called the experience an “incredible journey”. “This is the first time that a robot has been capable of going to such a depth, interacting with the environment and permitting the human operator to feel that environment. ” he said.

32What do we know about OceanOneK?

AIt has colorful eyes.

BIt is remotely controlled.

CIt is like a human all over.

DIt explores underwater world itself.

33What is the original idea for OceanOneK?

ATo find out the mystery of the ocean.

BTo save passengers from sunken planes.

CTo collect treasures from shipwrecks.

DTo research coral reefs in deep oceans.

34What is wrong with OceanOneK in February?

AIt failed to rise normally.

BIt lost louch with the operators.

CIt collapsed and piled at the seafloor.

DIt floated away with sea currents.

35What is a suitable title for the text?

ARobots help people become ocean explorers.

BRobots explore shipwrecks on the ocean bottom.

CRobots search the ocean floor for sunken treasures.

DRobots dive into the deep ocean to locate minerals.


【答案】32B    33D    34A    35B


【导语】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了加利福利亚州斯坦福大学研制的机器人OceanOneK 正以人类无法做到的方式潜入海底,使人们获得沉船和沉没的飞机等的资料。

32.细节理解题。根据第一段“When an operator at the ocean’s surface uses controls to direct OceanOneK, the robot’s touch-based feedback system causes the person to feel the water’s resistance as well as the forms of artifacts (人工制品).(当海面上的操作员使用控制器来引导OceanOneK时,机器人基于触摸的反馈系统会让人感受到水的阻力以及各种形式的人工制品)”可知,海面上的操作员可以使用控制器远程控制OceanOneK,即OceanOneK是远程控制的。故选B

33.细节理解题。根据第三段“The idea for OceanOneK came from a desire to study coral reefs in the Red Sea at depths beyond the normal range for divers.(OceanOneK的想法来自于对红海中超出潜水员正常范围的珊瑚礁进行研究的愿望)”可知,OceanOneK最初的想法是研究深海中的珊瑚礁。故选D

34.细节理解题。根据第五段“During OceanOneK’s deep dive in February, team members discovered the robot couldn’t rise when they stopped for a thruster cheek.(在二月份OceanOneK的深潜过程中,团队成员在停下来寻找推进器颊板时发现机器人无法上升)”可知,二月份OceanOneK出现不能正常上升的问题。故选A

35.主旨大意题。根据第一段“A robot created at Stanford University in California is diving down to shipwrecks and sunken planes in a way that humans can’t do.(加利福尼亚州斯坦福大学制造的一个机器人正在以人类无法做到的方式下潜至沉船和沉没的飞机)”以及文章内容可知,本文主要介绍了机器人OceanOneK 正以人类无法做到的方式潜入海底,使人们获得沉船和沉没的飞机等的资料,所以机器人在海底探索沉船可以作为文章标题。故选B

第二节 (5小题;每小题2,满分10)


2023·湖南长沙·湖南师大附中校考一模)Are you an elementary or high school student with all kinds of invention ideas? You might not know what to do with all of these ideas or how to turn them into workable inventions.    36    

Identify a problem worth solving.

Look at the world around you and ask yourself: What could work better? What task could be done better or faster? What annoys you and how could you fix it?    37    Not every idea will be a great one, but don’t be afraid to think outside the box.

Draft your idea.

Draw out a basic illustration of what your invention will look like.    38    List the types of materials you would use to build the finished project. Don’t hesitate to make multiple drafts of the same design until you are satisfied with the result.


You don’t need to use the highest quality materials, but simply ones that will give you a functional working device. Try checking second-hand stores and yard sales for parts that you can use. This will be much more cost-effective and you will also be eco-friendly.

Build your invention.

If you will be working with power tools or other dangerous materials, you will likely need adult supervision. Ask your parents when they have enough free time to sit down with you and start building.    40    

After everything is completed, it’s time to test out and market your invention. If it turns out well-received, you may even have your invention patented and mass- produced down the road.

AOr turn to your older peers if they can help you out as well.

BIf you enjoy creating things, you may consider becoming an inventor.

CWith some planning and practice, you can make these ideas into a working device.

DBe creative with your ideas.

EGather the necessary materials.

FLook around your home for recycled materials that you may be able to use.

GMake notes about how various pieces will go together.


【答案】36C    37D    38G    39E    40A



36.根据空前“Are you an elementary or high school student with all kinds of invention ideas? You might not know what to do with all of these ideas or how to turn them into workable inventions.(你是一个有各种发明想法的小学生或中学生吗?你可能不知道如何处理所有这些想法,或者如何将它们变成可行的发明。)”可知,上文讲述的是虽然有想法,但是小学生或中学生可能不知道如何处理所有这些想法,或者如何将它们变成可行的发明。选项C“With some planning and practice, you can make these ideas into a working device.(通过一些计划和练习,你可以把这些想法变成可行的方法。)”承上启下,既承接上文说明将想法变成发明有困难,同时引出下文具体的建议。故选C

37.根据空前内容“Look at the world around you and ask yourself: What could work better? What task could be done better or faster? What annoys you and how could you fix it?(看看你周围的世界,问问自己:什么能做得更好?什么任务可以做得更好或更快?什么让你烦恼?你如何解决它?)”可知,上文建议要问问自己,以找出值得研究的方向。选项D“Be creative with your ideas(要有创意。)”延续上文内容,指的都是想法或研究方向要有创意。故选D

38.根据空前“Draw out a basic illustration of what your invention will look like.(画出你的发明将会是什么样子的基本插图。)”以及空后内容“List the types of materials you would use to build the finished project.(列出你将用于完成项目的材料类型。)”可知,本段讲述的是画出发明的草图。选项G“Make notes about how various pieces will go together.(记下不同的部分如何搭配。)”符合上下文内容,指的都是画出发明的草图。故选G

39.空处为小标题,为本段主要内容。根据下文“You don’t need to use the highest quality materials, but simply ones that will give you a functional working device. Try checking second-hand stores and yard sales for parts that you can use. This will be much more cost-effective and you will also be eco-friendly.(你不需要使用最高质量的材料,只需要那些能给你一个功能性工作装置的材料。试着在二手商店和庭院销售中寻找你可以使用的零件。这将是更划算的,你也将是环保的。)”可知,本段主要讲述的是如何找寻发明所需的材料。选项E“Gather the necessary materials.(收集必要的材料。)”与本段内容一致,故选E

40.根据空前内容“If you will be working with power tools or other dangerous materials, you will likely need adult supervision. Ask your parents when they have enough free time to sit down with you and start building.(如果你将使用电动工具或其他危险材料,你可能需要成年人的监督。问问你的父母,他们什么时候有足够的空闲时间坐下来和你一起开始建造。)”可知,上文讲述的是如果需要使用电动工具或其他危险材料,则需要有成年人的监督,可以询问自己的父母是否有空。选项A“Or turn to your older peers if they can help you out as well.(或者向年长的人求助,如果他们也能帮助你。)”是上文内容的延续,指的是既可以询问父母,也可以向年长的人求助。故选A

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


2023·河南开封·统考模拟预测)Ramu started a business with great enthusiasm but just after a few months, his business became bankrupt. After that, Ramu didn’t     41     any new work.

His teacher asked him, “Why don’t you start doing some other work?” Ramu     42    , “I started a business and I worked 24 by 7 and yet that     43    .” The teacher tried to     44     him saying, “But that’s life. Sometimes we get     45     at what we do and sometimes we don’t. This doesn’t     46     we stop working.”

“What’s the     47     of doing work when I can’t be sure of success?” Ramu asked. The teacher took Ramu to a room. Showing him a     48     tomato plant, he said, “Look at this. When I     49    , it’s seed. I did everything right for it. I      50      it carefully but it still died. Doing work is the      51     . No matter how hard you try, you cannot      52      what will happen in the end.” Ramu looked confused.

He then showed Ramu a pile of big red      53      lying in another room, saying, “They are the      54      of not giving up on growing plants even if there are failures before. I didn’t      55     , and I again sowed seeds and took care of them and this time plants grew.      56     , if you keep doing the right things consistently, your      57      of getting success are greatly increased. But if you      58      because of one or two failures, then life will not give you any      59     .”

Ramu had now read the lesson of success. He      60      what he had to do and left with a renewed vigor (活力).

41Amiss Bstart Cadmire Dexpect

42Areplied Bcontinued Ccompleted Dannounced

43Aremained Bsolved Cfailed Dchanged

44Aattract Bsupport Cimpress Dcomfort

45Asuccess Binspiration Cguidance Dcriticism

46Aprove Bmean Callow Dinsist

47Areason Btrouble Cpoint Dmethod

48Afragile Bvigorous Cfresh Ddead

49Acounted Bsowed Clooked Dordered

50Atended to Bturned to Creferred to Dadded to

51Acontrary Btype Cchoice Dsame

52Apromise Bdecide Cpretend Dsuspect

53Atomatoes Bapples Cpeaches Ddates

54Amotive Bcause Cresult Dactivity

55Adrop Bharvest Cselect Dstop

56ASimilarly BGenerally CImportantly DFortunately

57Aabilities Bchances Coptions Dfeelings

58Abreak down Bsettle down Cturn up Dgive up

59Achallenge Bsurprise Creward Dhonor

60Aunderstood Bforgot Cdenied Dbelieved



41B    42A    43C    44D    45A    46B    47C    48D    49B    50A    51D    52B    53A    54C    55D    56A    57B    58D    59C    60A



41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那以后,Ramu没有开始新的工作。A. miss错过;B. start开始;C. admire钦佩;D. expect期待。根据下文“His teacher asked him, “Why don’t you start doing some other work?””可知,Ramu没有开始新的工作。故选B

42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Ramu回答说:“我开了一家公司,一天24小时朝七晚七地工作,但失败了。”A. replied答复;B. continued继续;C. completed完成;D. announced宣布。 前文老师问了问题“Why don’t you start doing some other work?”,因此此处是Ramu回复老师的问题。故选A

43.考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A. remained仍旧;B. solved解决;C. failed失败;D. changed改变。根据前文“his business became bankrupt”可知,Ramu的生意失败了。故选C

44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师努力安慰他说:“但这就是生活。有时我们做的事情会成功,有时则不然。这并不意味着我们停止工作。”A. attract吸引;B. support支持;C. impress使……印象深刻;D. comfort安慰。根据前文“I started a business and I worked 24 by 7 and yet that   3  .”可知,Rumu生意失败了,不想开始新的工作,因此老师安慰他。故选D

45.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. success成功;B. inspiration灵感;C. guidance指导;D. criticism批判。根据前文内容和“But that’s life.”可知,Rumu生意失败了,老师说那就是生活,结合常识可知,生活中做事情有时成功有时失败。故选A

46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:老师努力安慰他说:“但这就是生活。有时我们做的事情会成功,有时则不然。这并不意味着我们停止工作。”A. prove证明;B. mean意味着;C. allow允许;D. insist坚持。根据前文“But that’s life. Sometimes we get   5   at what we do and sometimes we don’t.”可知,老师说生活就是有时成功有时失败,但是并不意味着我们不工作不尝试。故选B

47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:既然我不能确定是否会成功,工作还有什么意义?”Ramu矿问道。A. reason原因;B. trouble麻烦;C. point意义;D. method方法。根据下文“when I can’t be sure of success”可知,Ramu问老师,既然不能确定是否成功工作还有什么意义呢。故选C

48.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:给他看了一株死番茄。A. fragile脆弱的;B. vigorous精力充沛的;C. fresh新鲜的;D. dead死的。根据下文“but it still died”可知,番茄是死的。故选D

49.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我播种时,它是种子。A. counted要紧;B. sowed播种;C. looked看;D. ordered命令。根据下文“it’s seed”可知,种子被播种在地下。故选B

50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我仔细地照顾它但是它仍旧死了。A. tended to照顾;B. turned to转向;C. referred to指的是;D. added to增添。根据前文“I did everything right for it.”和下文“I again sowed seeds and took care of them and this time plants grew.”可知,老师仔细地照顾番茄但是它仍旧死了。故选A

51.考查名词词义辨析。句意:做工作是一样的。A. contrary相反的情况;B. type类型;C. choice选择;D. same同样的事物。根据下文“No matter how hard you try, you cannot   12   what will happen in the end.”可知,老师说有时候不管你怎么努力你都不知道结果会发生什么,这个种植番茄细心照顾最终还是死亡是一样的道理。故选D

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:无论你多么努力,你都无法决定最终会发生什么。A. promise许诺;B. decide决定;C. pretend假装;D. suspect怀疑。根据前文“But that’s life. Sometimes we get   5   at what we do and sometimes we don’t.”“No matter how hard you try”可知,无论你多么努力,也无法决定最后的结果,故选B

53.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后,他给Ramu看了另一个房间里的一堆大红番茄。A. tomatoes番茄;B. apples苹果;C. peaches桃子;D. dates日期。根据前文“Showing him a   8   tomato plant”可知,老师又给他看了另外的番茄。故选A

54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们是即使以前有失败也不放弃种植植物的结果。A. motive动机;B. cause起因;C. result结果;D. activity活动。根据下文“I again sowed seeds and took care of them and this time plants grew.”可知,这些大的红色的西红柿是老师不放弃的结果。故选C

55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我没有停止,我再次播下种子并悉心照料,这次植物长了起来。A. drop落下;B. harvest收获;C. select选择;D. stop停止。根据下文“I again sowed seeds and took care of them and this time plants grew.”可知,老师没有停止努力。故选D

56.考查副词词义辨析。句意:相似地,如果你坚持做正确的事情,你成功的机会就会大大增加。A. Similarly相似地;B. Generally笼统地;C. Importantly重要地;D. Fortunately幸运地。根据前文和下文“if you keep doing the right things consistently, your   17   of getting success are greatly increased”可知,坚持做正确的事情,成功的可能性大大提高与不怕失败坚持种植番茄最后会有收获是相似的。故选A

57.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. abilities能力;B. chances可能性;C. options选择;D. feelings感情。根据前文“if you keep doing the right things consistently”可知,持之以恒地做正确的事情,成功的可能会大大提高。故选B

58.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但如果你因为一两次失败就放弃了,那么生活就不会给你任何回报。A. break down崩溃;B. settle down安顿下来;C. turn up出现;D. give up放弃。结合上文Ramu放弃工作以及下文“because of one or two failures”可知,此处说的是放弃。故选D

59.考查名词词义辨析。句意同上。A. challenge挑战;B. surprise吃惊;C. reward回报;D. honor荣誉。根据前文“if you keep doing the right things consistently, your   17   of getting success are greatly increased. But”可知,前后文是转折关系,坚持不懈会增加成功的可能,如果因为一两个失败就放弃,就不会有回报。故选C

60.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他明白自己必须做什么,于是带着新的活力离开了。A. understood理解;B. forgot忘记;C. denied拒绝;D. believed相信。根据前文“Ramu had now read the lesson of success.”可知,Ramu读懂了成功的教训,因此他理解了他必须做什么。故选A

第二节 ( 10小题:每小题1.5, 满分15 )


The first challenge astronauts have to face in space is weightlessness. Unlike walking, jumping or running on Earth, they “float” or “crawl” to their destination. However, weightlessness brings not only inconvenience in movement,    61    a series of physical effects. That’s why astronauts, especially those   62    remain in orbit for a long time, need to take exercise regularly.

The three astronauts, or taikonauts, based in China’s space station    63    (be)provided with diverse customized fitness    64    (equip), including a bicycle and a treadmill(跑步机), which have aroused much curiosity from Earth.

Similar    65    a spinning bike, the bike has been fixed on the side of a wall. The astronauts cycle hard against resistance    66    (generate)by electromagnetic(电磁的)force or other means    67    (exercise)their legs and keep their bones and muscles strong during the long-term orbital flight.

The space treadmill has been equipped with gravity simulators so that the astronauts can exercise in normal gravity, just as on Earth, which builds up    68    (they)muscles and compresses the bones to stimulate(刺激)bone reconstruction. Running on the treadmill for 15 minutes in space is equal to running about 3 kilometers on Earth.

The astronauts also use pull bands for daily exercises. They work out for about two hours daily and each of their exercises are    69    (careful) designed to stimulate and exercise the bones and muscles. Regular and persistent exercise     70     (help)the astronauts improve their working ability under long term weightlessness.



61but    62who    63are    64equipment    65to    66generated    67to exercise    68their    69carefully    70helps



61.考查连词。句意:然而,失重带来的不仅仅是行动不便,还有一系列的身体影响。此处为not only…but(also)...表示不仅……而且……”。故填but


63.考查时态。句意:中国空间站为三名宇航员提供了多种定制的健身设备,包括自行车和跑步机,这引起了地球上很多人的好奇。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为The three astronauts,谓语用复数。故填are


65.考查介词。句意:与动感单车类似,这款自行车被固定在墙的一侧。表示……类似短语为similar to。故填to


67.考查非谓语动词。句意:在长期的轨道飞行中,宇航员在电磁力或其他方式产生的阻力下艰苦地骑行,锻炼腿部,保持骨骼和肌肉的强壮。名词means后跟不定式作后置定语。故填to exercise


69.考查副词。句意:他们每天锻炼大约两个小时,每项运动都经过精心设计,以刺激和锻炼骨骼和肌肉。修饰过去分词designed 应用副词carefully,故填carefully

70.考查时态。句意:定期和持续的锻炼有助于宇航员在长期失重状态下提高工作能力。陈述客观事实用一般现在时,主语为Regular and persistent exercise,谓语用三单形式。故填helps

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错 (10小题;每小题1分,满分10)






1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Years ago, I went to the American high school as an exchange student. In fact, the classes in the US are different from that in China. I found maths quite easily because maths teaching there used less advanced materials. Therefore, learning in English was a great challenge for me. I couldn’t fully contribute the class discussion. Fortunately, my teachers and classmates were helpful, from which gave me much encouragement. After schools, I joined several clubs. The one that attract me most was the Basketball Club when I was there. Now, I’m looking forward to visit the school again.

【答案】1. the → an

2. that → those

3. easily → easy

4. teaching → taught

5. Therefore → However

6. contribute后加to

7. 删除from

8. schools → school

9. attract → attracted

10. visit → visiting


【详解】1. 考查冠词。句意:去年,我作为交换生去了一所美国的高中。文章第一次提到美国的某个学校,应使用不定冠词修饰。American的首个音素为元音,所以应用不定冠词an,故将the改成an

2. 考查代词。句意:事实上,美国的课程与中国的不同。本句中those指代前面的复数名词classes。课程 classes为可数名词复数,故将that改为those

3. 考查形容词。句意:我发现在那里数学很容易,因为美国的数学教材不那么先进。根据成分可知,此处用形容词easy作宾语补足语。故将easily改为easy

4. 考查非谓语。句意同上。分析句子,because后为原因状语从句,从句主语为maths,谓语为usedmaths与动词teach为动宾关系,teachused之间没有并列词连接,所以teach不是谓语,此处为非谓语动词,用过去分词taught作后置定语。故将teach改为taught

5. 考查副词。句意:然而,学习英语对我来说是一个巨大的挑战。根据上文内容可知,我觉得数学很容易,结合下文“learning in English was a great challenge for me”,所以此处是拿学英语和学数学做对比,逻辑上为转折关系,非因果关系,副词however“然而表示转折,符合题意,故将Therefore改为However

6. 考查固定搭配。句意:我不能完全参与课堂讨论。contribute to是固定搭配,意为有助于,促成,后接the class discussion表示讲话,发表意见,故contribute后面添加to。故添加to

7. 考查定语从句。句意:同上。分析句子结构可知,which在定语从句中作主语,先行词为前面老师和同学们都很乐于助人的这件事,所以删除which前面的from。故删除from

8. 考查名词单复数。句意:放学后,我加入了几个俱乐部。after school是固定搭配,表示放学后。故将schools改为school

9. 考查动词时态。句意:最吸引我的是我在那里的篮球俱乐部。通读全文可知,这里描述的是过去的事,所以要用一般过去时。故将attract改为attracted

10. 考查非谓语动词。句意:现在,我很期待再次到访这所学校。look forward to doing sth.意为期待做某事to是介词,其后跟动名词。故将visit改为visiting


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

2023·江苏·统考三模)学校英文报正在开展以“Protecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world”为题的讨论。请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:








Protecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world

The health of children’s vision is facing a growing threat.


【答案】One possible version:

Protecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world

The health of children’s vision is facing a growing threat. Data shows that 14.3 percent of pre-school kids are nearsighted. The rate is 35.6 percent for primary school students, 71.1 percent for junior high school pupils and 80.5 percent for senior high school students.

The age for the beginning of shortsightedness is getting younger. Meanwhile, there is the rapid progression of shortsightedness during the middle school.

To tackle the growing problem, schools should reduce the academic burden of students and increase the time of outdoor activities. What’s more, we should attach importance to our visual health and control the time spent on electronic devices.

【导语】本篇书面表达属于图表作文。要求考生以“Protecting our eyes to enjoy a bright world”为题,根据图表调查结果写一篇短文,简述学生近视率状况,给与评论并提出建议。


同时:meanwhile→at the same time

解决:tackle→handle/cope with/solve

减少:reduce→decrease/cut down

重视:attach importance to→take sth seriously/make account of



原句:Data shows that 14.3 percent of pre-school kids are nearsighted.

拓展句:Data shows that 14.3 percent of pre-school kids are nearsighted, which should arouse our attention.

【点睛】【高分句型1Data shows that 14.3 percent of pre-school kids are nearsighted.(运用了that引导宾语从句)

【高分句型2What’s more, we should attach importance to our visual health and control the time spent on electronic devices.(运用了“spent on electronic devices”过去分词作后置定语,修饰名词“the time”

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