

正文概述 王宝红   2023-09-20  



(考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)



例:How much is the shirt? A. £19.15.      B. £9.18.      C. £9.15. 答案是C

1.(2022·浙江·浙江省丽水中学校联考二模)What does the man mean?

AHe missed the speech.

BHe lost his way to the train station.

CHe couldn’t understand what the lecturer said.


【原文】W:What did you think about the speech by the visiting lecturer?

M:I was lost. I simply couldn’t follow his train of thought.

2.(2022·浙江·浙江省丽水中学校联考二模)What could Mr. Hopkins probably be?

AA repairman. BA salesman. CA policeman.


【原文】W:What’s wrong with the car?

M:The front tire is flat, the seat needs to be raised, and the engine seems not to work well.

W:Why not call Mr. Hopkins?

3.(2023·重庆巴南·校联考模拟预测)What is the relationship between the speakers?

AClassmates. BStrangers. CNeighbors.


【原文】W: Did you hear that there’s a meeting this afternoon?

M: Yes, I did. Do you know what it’s about?

W: I think it’s about electing the new monitor.

4.(2023·四川泸州·四川省泸县第四中学校考三模)What does the man dislike about his new apartment?

AThe rent. BThe neighbors. CThe distance from work.


【原文】W: How’s the apartment search going?

M: I finally found a place! The rent is not too high, and the neighborhood is pretty good. But it’s miles away from work. That is annoying. But I still took it because it is now almost impossible to find a place that accepts pets

5.(2023·江苏南京·南京市第一中学校考三模)What are the speakers talking about?

AWhat to eat for lunch. BWhen to have lunch. CWhether to eat out.


【原文】M: Will we go out for lunch?

W: I think we should have it sent to our house.

M: You’re right. There’ll be a football match in a minute.





6Where did the speakers intend to visit first?

AGreek island. BBulgarian rose field. CThe Black Sea.

7What would be the speakers’ final decision?

AVisiting Sofia instead.

BBuying the products online.

CAdding the rose field to their trip.


【答案】6A    7C


【原文】W: If we’re going to travel in Eastern Europe this summer, let’s ensure we go to Bulgaria.

M: Why Bulgaria?

W: Because it’s famous for rose products, especially rose oil.

M: Well, can’t we just buy the products online? We’re already planning to visit Greek island and Hungarian castles.

W: So? Let’s add Bulgarian rose field to the list. I need to see them! I must smell them! I have always dreamed of being in the middle of a rose field.

M: Fine, honey. We’ll book a flight to the capital Sofia, and I’ll find out how to tour the rose fields.

But if we go to that country, we need to spend some time at a beach holiday center in Varna on the Black Sea. The town is famous, and I want some of that special fish that’s only available during summer.

W: Sounds perfect to me!




8Why has the man been collecting the information?

ATo participate in competitions.

BTo amuse his teacher.

CTo prepare for a report.

9What is the man going to write about?

AVR technology. BThe environment. CThe government.


【答案】8C    9A


【原文】W: Have you finished the report?

M: No. I haven’t even started writing it.

W: You must be kidding. Mr. Wang said we would have to hand it in before his class the next week. How can you finish it on time?

M: I’ve been reading all the information I need to write it. But the more I read, the more I want to know.

W: What are you reading?

M: First, I was into the environment, then the government, and then I found something really interesting. Have you heard about VR technology? That’s what I’m going to write about.

W: Really? We can talk about it next time! I have to go.

M: OK. See you later.




10What did the man think of his trip back home?

ABoring. BTerrible. CStrange.

11Which is the man’s birthplace?

AGermany. BEngland. CFrance.

12What does the man decide to do?

AMove out of England.

BContact his friends more.

CGo back to Germany to work.


【答案】10C    11C    12B


【原文】W: How was your trip back home, Michael?

M: It was good. It was fun, and it was... a bit strange, also.

W: What do you mean? I thought you were born in Germany.

M: Actually, I was born in France. My family moved to Germany when I was five, so that’s why I call it home.

W: I see. So what was so strange about it?

M: It’s hard to explain. I mean, I’ve only been living here in England for a few years, but I didn’t realize how long it’s actually been until I saw all my old friends.

W: Were they different?

M: No, it was me who was different. I expected it to feel like I had never left, but everything felt so unfamiliar to me... like... what is that saying?

W: Like a fish out of water?

M: That’s it. Anyway, I promised to stay more in touch with my friends and learn about their lives.

W: Do you think you will ever go back there to work?

M: I don’t think so. England is my home now.



13What is Ben probably?

AA cook. BA teacher. CA manager.

14What should Cindy wear at work?

ABlack pants. BA uniform. CA white dress.

15When did Cindy probably first visit the restaurant?

ASix months ago. BOne year ago. CTwo years ago.

16Why is Cindy worried about her job?

AShe is not good at communication.

BShe doesn’t have the right clothes.

CShe doesn’t have enough time to learn for it.


【答案】13C    14A    15C    16C


【原文】M: Before your first day, you should know some necessary rules.

W: Great, thanks. This will be my first time holding this type of job. Your training would be very helpful.

M: My pleasure. I know you’re busy with classes — there are six of my restaurant’s employees who are also in university. But when you’re working, I need you to give 100% effort.

W: I’m a very motivated worker, Ben. I promise I won’t let you down.

M: Thanks, Cindy. First, we don’t provide uniforms here. Please wear a white top and black pants. If you need help finding items, I can recommend some stores.

W: I have plenty of clothes like that. Thanks.

M: OK. Next, you’ve been eating at this restaurant since you started university two years ago, but working here will be very different. Our service is fast-paced (快节奏的) and requires constant communication.

W: Oh, I’m now slightly nervous about not having enough time to learn and prepare for this position.

M: Don’t worry, Cindy. I’ll help you learn as long as you are serious about the job.




17What are the speakers mainly talking about?

AThe preparation for a school play.

BThe woman’s visit to the man’s house.

CThe traditional customs in the woman’s country.

18How did the man’s parents feel about the woman at first?

AAngry. BEmbarrassed. CSurprised.

19What did the man’s father have in common with the woman?

AThey played the same sport.

BThey were both very smart in their class.

CThey both gained many awards in school.

20Why can’t the woman attend the dinner on time?

AShe will be seeing a play.

BShe will be celebrating a holiday.

CShe will be performing in a show.


【答案】17B    18C    19A    20C


【原文】W: I was so embarrassed yesterday. I really thought that it was OK to accept the offer.

M: Don’t worry.You’re not aware of our custom in this country.

W: I still don’t understand. What was the right thing to do?

M: If you’re offered a drink, you say no at first. Then the host asks again. It doesn’t matter if it’s the second or third time they ask. But after you say no to the first offer, it’s OK to say yes when asked again.

W: Oh no! I feel even more embarrassed now. Do your parents think I’m rude?

M: They were surprised at first. But once I explained to them about what it’s like in America, they both laughed. They understand now.

W: Thanks. I would honestly be so sad if they didn’t like me.

M: That won’t happen. They like you a lot. Not only did I tell them that you were at the top of our class, but I told them how good you are at soccer. My dad was very excited. He has a few awards in the sport.

W: That’s a relief.

M: In fact, they wanted me to invite you to our holiday dinner.

W: I’m afraid I’ll be a bit late, but I will absolutely come after our school play. It is the only thing I have going on that day, but it’s important. I was given the honor of acting in it, even though I’m just an exchange student.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




2023·河南郑州·洛宁县第一高级中学校联考模拟预测)Learn about talks, workshops, drop-in hours and other events happening at the Libraries.

3D Print Certification(Registered Students Only) In-Person

This small group workshop is for registered students only. This session covers the basics of 3D printing on our Ultimaker machines. You must complete your online part of the certification on your D2L... More

Date: Tuesday, June 13

Time: 5: 00 pm~6: 00 pm

Location: Main B250-Learning Studio CATalyst, CATalyst Studios

Categories: CATalyst Certifications

Copyright for Graduate Students Drop-in Hours Online

Copyright can be confusing, so we’re here to help. Drop in for a casual 1-on-1 copyright consultation. Bring your questions about: Fair use-using copyrighted material(text, images, videos,… ) More

Date: Wednesday, June 14

Time: 9: 00 am~10: 30 am

Location: Research Engagement

Audience: graduate students

Categories: Copyright Open Access Research &. Publishing

Code Commons In-Person

Code Commons is a community of practice for people working with code and building software. Code Commons provides a physical space for community. Join us to share experience,... More

Date: Thursday, June 15 Show more dates

Time: 2: 00 pm~6: 00 pm

Location: CATalyst Studios

Categories: Coding

Funder(出资人) Policies for Open Research

Most major funding agencies now require applicants to describe how they will ensure that their data and/or publications will be made freely available. This presentation provides an overview of these policies that impact anyone applying for research funding.

Date: Saturday,June17

Time: 10: 00 am~10: 45 am

Location: Main B201-Data Studio CATalyst

Categories: Data management

21When can students attend the 3D Print Certification Session?

AOn Tue. June 13. BOn Wed. June 14. COn Thur. June 15. DOn Sat. June 17.

22Which offers more choices of time for potential attendees?

A3D Print Certification. BCopyright for Graduate Students.

CCode Commons. DFunder Policies for Open Research.

23Where should you go if you are interested in Funder Policies for Open Research?

ACATalyst Studios. BResearch Engagement.

CMain B250-Learning Studio CATalyst. DMain B201-Data Studio CATalyst.


【答案】21A    22C    23D



21.细节理解题。从第一个小标题3D Print Certification(Registered Students Only)中的Date: Tuesday, June 13 Time: 5: 00 pm~6: 00 pm(日期:613日(周二);时间:下午500~下午600 )可知,学生在613日,星期二参加3D打印认证。故选A项。

22.细节理解题。根据Code Commons In-Person中的“Date: Thursday, June 15 Show more dates(日期:615日,星期四,显示更多日期)”可知,在615日之外还有其他的日期供参与者选择,人们可以根据自己的时间灵活选择。故选C项。

23.细节理解题。根据Funder(出资人) Policies for Open Research中的“This presentation provides an overview of these policies that impact anyone applying for research funding. (本演讲概述了这些政策,这些政策会影响任何申请研究经费的人)”以及“Location: Main B201-Data Studio CATalyst(地点:主B201-数据工作室CATalyst)”可知,如果对赞助方对开放研究政策感兴趣,可以去Main B201-Data Studio CATalyst,故选D项。


2023·山东聊城·统考三模)It was eight o’ clock on Christmas morning, and Uncle Tom said he wanted to listen to the news. My 11-year-old self was wondering why grown-ups would be interested in the news when there were important things to be done, such as handing out presents. However, while I was only half-listening to the radio broadcast, I was confused that I had heard that report earlier.

My older brother, Colin, figured out what was happening. “Pete, it’s a tape recorder! We’ve got our tape recorder!” This was one of those rare moments when my inside gave an involuntary lurch (倾斜). Colin and I had both been blind from birth. In the late 1950s, tape recorders were definitely the top choice for blind kids, especially with the rise of rock ‘n’ roll.

But it wasn’t the first time I had been attracted to a tape recorder. I vividly remember walking into a room when I was four and hearing a child’s beautiful singing. It turned out that my dad had borrowed a tape recorder for preparing his projects. And for the first time, in the same way that a sighted child might react to seeing themselves in a mirror or a photograph, I got the sense of myself as a separate person who existed outside my head and was experienced by other people.

Then I became a broadcaster at school. I would wander around the school with my microphone, recording my thoughts in the style of the voices I heard on the radio. But the biggest challenge was not finding things to do with the tape recorder but taking it away from Colin. His generosity on the first day we got it did not extend to handing it over to his brother at school. “You’ll break it,” he would say.

But ten years later, I drew on the confidence gained from those early explorations of the sound and walked into a radio station, in the hopes of selling myself as a broadcast journalist. Eight years later, I presented my first report for BBC’s Six O’Clock News. I never thought that a Christmas present had changed my life.

24Why did Uncle Tom probably listen to the news on Christmas morning?

ATo keep up with the times.

BTo carry on the holiday tradition.

CTo create a happy festival mood.

DTo surprise Colin and the author.

25What did the author feel when first hearing a tape recorder at four?

AHis interest in music.

BHis love of broadcasting.

CThe real existence of himself.

DAn understanding of his father.

26What was the author’s biggest challenge as a school broadcaster?

ALearning the voice style of radio hosts.

BGetting the tape recorder from Colin.

CBalancing broadcasting and study.

DFinding fun things to record.

27What helped build up the author’s confidence in becoming a broadcast journalist?

AHis experiences of exploring the sound.

BHis talent for recording.

CHis father’s encouragement.

DHis rich broadcasting knowledge.


【答案】24D    25C    26B    27A



24.推理判断题。根据文章第一段“However, while I was only half-listening to the radio broadcast, I was confused that I had heard that report earlier.(然而,当我只听了一半的广播时,我很困惑,因为我早些时候听到了那个报道。)”可知,作者的叔叔说要听新闻,但作者发现报道已经播放过了,再根据第二段“My older brother, Colin, figured out what was happening. “Pete, it’s a tape recorder! We’ve got our tape recorder!” This was one of those rare moments when my inside gave an involuntary lurch (倾斜).(我哥哥科林发弄清楚发生的一切。皮特,这是录音机!我们有录音机!这是我的内心情不自禁为之一动的罕见时刻之一。)”可推断出,作者的叔叔提出想听听新闻是想把圣诞礼物——录音机作为惊喜送给作者兄弟。故选D

25.细节理解题。根据文章第三段“But it wasn’t the first time I had been attracted to a tape recorder. I vividly remember walking into a room when I was four and hearing a child’s beautiful singing. It turned out that my dad had borrowed a tape recorder for preparing his projects. And for the first time, in the same way that a sighted child might react to seeing themselves in a mirror or a photograph, I got the sense of myself as a separate person who existed outside my head and was experienced by other people.(但这并不是我第一次被录音机所吸引。我清楚地记得,当我四岁的时候,走进一个房间,听到一个孩子美妙的歌声。原来我爸爸借了一台录音机准备他的项目。这是第一次,就像一个视力正常的孩子在镜子或照片中看到自己时的反应一样,我感觉到自己是一个独立的人,存在于我的头脑之外,被其他人体验到。)”可知,作者四岁时第一次听到录音机时就被其所吸引,第一次感受到自己是一个独立的人。故选C

26.细节理解题。根据文章第四段“But the biggest challenge was not finding things to do with the tape recorder but taking it away from Colin.(但最大的挑战并不是找到处理录音机的方法,而是把它从科林手中拿走。)”可知,作为学校广播员,作者面临的最大挑战是从科林那里拿到录音机。故选B

27.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“But ten years later, I drew on the confidence gained from those early explorations of the sound and walked into a radio station, in the hopes of selling myself as a broadcast journalist.(但十年后,我带着从早期探索声音中获得的信心,走进一家广播电台,希望以广播记者的身份推销自己。)”可知,作者对于成为一名广播记者的信心源自于自己探索声音的经历。故选A


2023·湖北武汉·武汉市黄陂区第一中学校考模拟预测)Most of us spend our lives surrounded by screens, which offer us convenience as well as connection and an ocean of information. But since it’s easy to feel pressured to keep up with every notification, technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing. Thus, the idea of “digital detox” is becoming increasingly inviting.

The phrase “digital detox” describes getting rid of TV, phones, computers and other forms of technology that control our lives for a period of time. Some experts advocate completely avoiding unnecessary screen time for 30 years. Others suggest using an app that will limit the amount of time one can spend on certain websites. A third option is logging out in evenings or on weekends. Others simply turn their phones off at scheduled times. Some even pay high prices to take vacations in places where they can unplug from their digital routine.

Why might you want to take a digital detox? Perhaps you find that you are spending longer than you intend on certain apps or that they distract you from more important things. Perhaps social media is depressing because you compare yourself to others or you fear missing out on things that other people are enjoying. Constant negative news can also give rise to a lot of stress.

Technology can also have physical effects. Many people experience back or neck pain as a result of bending over screens. The blue light coming from most screens can also affect people’s sleep by preventing production of melatonin(褪黑素).

Giving up all screens may not be realistic, but strategic breaks from technology may be good for your body, mind, emotions and relationships. It is high time that you picked a time to turn off your devices and focus on really important things.

28Why does the author say “technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing” in paragraph 1?

ATo confirm a concept.

BTo present a problem.

CTo explain a rule.

DTo make a prediction.

29What does the underlined word “unplug” in paragraph 2 mean?

ARecover. BBenefit. Cpreventing DSuffer.

30Which could be the reason for one to start “digital detox”?

AApps selection difficulty.

BFear of missing important things.

CExposure to false news.

DPressure from social comparison.

31What is the purpose of the text?

ATo recommend healthy lifestyles.

BTo call for reducing the use of digital devices.

CTo give instructions on starting digital detox.

DTo present different attitudes to digital products.


【答案】28B    29C    30D    31B



28.推理判断题。根据第一段中“Most of us spend our lives surrounded by screens, which offer us convenience as well as connection and an ocean of information. But since it’s easy to feel pressured to keep up with every notification, technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing. (大多数人生活在屏幕的环绕中,这些屏幕为我们提供了便利、连接和海量信息。但由于很容易感到被每个通知压力所迫,科技可能会感觉更像是一种负担而不是一种祝福)”以及后文的“Thus, the idea of “digital detox” is becoming increasingly inviting.( 因此,数字排毒的概念正变得越来越受欢迎)”可知,虽然电子设备给我们的生活提供了便利以及海量的信息,但大量的信息通知以及提供有时却给人类增加了负担而不是乐趣,由此后文提出解决问题的方式数字排毒。故作者提到“technology may feel more like a burden than a blessing”的目的是为了提出当前人类所面临的问题。故选B

29.词义猜测题。根据划线词前面的句子“Some experts advocate completely avoiding unnecessary screen time for 30 years. Others suggest using an app that will limit the amount of time one can spend on certain websites. A third option is logging out in evenings or on weekends. Others simply turn their phones off at scheduled times.(一些专家主张在30年内完全避免不必要的屏幕时间。还有人建议使用一款可以限制人们在某些网站上花费的时间的应用程序。第三种选择是在晚上或周末退出。其他人只是在预定的时间关掉手机)”可知,此处通过列举了数字排毒的不同做法,划线词所在的句子应该与其并列。故划线词前面的内容“Some even pay high prices to take vacations in places(有些人甚至花高价去一些地方度假)”可知,还有些人选择去一些地方度假这样可以远离数字生活。故划线词与C选项preventing为同义词,意为阻止,避免。故选C

30.细节理解题。根据第三段中“Perhaps social media is depressing because you compare yourself to others or you fear missing out on things that other people are enjoying.(也许社交媒体令人沮丧是因为你把自己和别人比较,或者你害怕错过别人喜欢的东西)”可知,进行数字排毒的原因之一是,在社交媒体中你总是拿自己和别人进行比较或者害怕错过别人喜欢的东西。故选D

31.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Giving up all screens may not be realistic, but strategic breaks from technology may be good for your body, mind, emotions and relationships. It is high time that you picked a time to turn off your devices and focus on really important things.(放弃所有屏幕可能不太现实,但战略性地远离科技可能对你的身体、思想、情感和人际关系都有好处。现在是时候选择一个时间关掉你的设备,专注于真正重要的事情)”可知,作者认为现在是时候选择一个时间关掉你的设备,专注于真正重要的事情了,由此推测本文的目的是呼吁读者减少使用数码设备。故选B


2023·河北石家庄·正定一中校考模拟预测)Compost (堆肥) is one of the most wonderful things in the world. You take organic matter that would otherwise end up in landfills and create a nutrient-rich material that will help make gardens grow, flowers bloom and make it easier to feed the world. Thanks to Tipa, an Israeli start-up, you will soon be able to add plastics to your compost mix.

Plastic is one of the most challenging problems on the planet. As No Camels reports, it often takes 500 years for plastic to break down, and even then, microplastics remain in water or on land. Furthermore, according to Inc. Com, even though plastic can theoretically be recycled, less than 5 percent of flexible plastic packaging that is put into recycling by consumers is actually recycled.

But that doesn’t need to be the case anymore.

Now, Tipa and other companies have begun to create plastics that are able to biodegrade like any organic matter does. When asked how she got the idea of creating compostable flexible plastics, Dafna Nissenbaum, the CEO and co-founder of Tipa, said, “Nature also packs its products, like bananas, apples and oranges, but with a compostable material. Our plastics will break down exactly like any other organic material and turn into solid fertilizer (肥料).”

Unlike other compostable plastics on the market, Tipa’s plastics can be fully composted in home composts. This means that the average person with a garden compost could use their packaging and just throw it in the compost instead of the recycling bin when they are done with it.

Another thing that Tipa has been doing is to create partnerships with existing producers instead of creating their own factories. The company’s materials are purposefully designed to be compatible (兼容的) with machinery that already exists and produces non-compostable plastics. Tipa says that fits in with its goal of creating a sustainable future.

Tipa has partnered with some high-end designers. Both Stella McCartney and Mara Hoffman use Tipa’s products to package their products. Many brands are now aware that using sustainable packaging will endear them to customers, and Tipa helps them do that.

32What does paragraph 2 focus on?

AThe difficulty of dealing with plastic. BThe harm caused by water pollution.

CThe problem of the packaging industry. DThe barrier to recycling plastic products.

33What does Dafna Nissenbaum try to tell?

AHer confidence in the fertilizer market. BHer strong desire to get close to nature.

CHer inspiration for Tipa’s new plastics. DHer high praise for the beauty of nature.

34What does Tipa do to pursue sustainability?

AIt cooperates with existing producers.

BIt designs materials to fit new machinery.

CIt stops partnering with high-end designers.

DIt creates its own plastic factories worldwide.

35Which of the following can serve as the best title for the text?

AThe Packaging Industry Is Growing Faster

BNew Plastics Make Packaging Compostable

CCompost Is the Real Source of Sustainability

DSolutions to Plastic Waste Have Been Found


【答案】32A    33C    34A    35B



32.主旨大意题。由第二段“Plastic is one of the most challenging problems on the planet. As No Camels reports, it often takes 500 years for plastic to break down, and even then, microplastics remain in water or on land. Furthermore, according to Inc. Com, even though plastic can theoretically be recycled, less than 5 percent of flexible plastic packaging that is put into recycling by consumers is actually recycled. (塑料是地球上最具挑战性的问题之一。正如No Camels报道的那样,塑料通常需要500年才能分解,即使这样,微塑料也会留在水中或陆地上。此外,据股份有限公司Inc. Com称,尽管塑料理论上可以回收,但消费者投入回收的柔性塑料包装实际上回收的比例不到5%)”可知,第二段主要说明处理塑料并非易事。故选A项。

33.细节理解题。由第四段中的“When asked how she got the idea of creating compostable flexible plastics, Dafna Nissenbaum, the CEO and co-founder of Tipa, said, “Nature also packs its products, like bananas, apples and oranges, but with a compostable material. Our plastics will break down exactly like any other organic material and turn into solid fertilizer (肥料).”(当被问及她是如何产生制造可堆肥柔性塑料的想法时,Tipa的首席执行官兼联合创始人Dafna Nissenbaum说:大自然也包装它的产品,如香蕉、苹果和橙子,但用的是可堆肥的材料。我们的塑料会像其他有机材料一样分解,变成固体肥料。”)”可知,Dafna Nissenbaum 试图告诉大家新塑料的灵感来源于自然。故选C项。

34.细节理解题。由倒数第二段“Another thing that Tipa has been doing is to create partnerships with existing producers instead of creating their own factories. The company’s materials are purposefully designed to be compatible (兼容的) with machinery that already exists and produces non-compostable plastics. Tipa says that fits in with its goal of creating a sustainable future. (蒂帕一直在做的另一件事是与现有生产商建立合作伙伴关系,而不是创建自己的工厂。该公司的材料经过专门设计,与现有的生产不可堆肥塑料的机械兼容。蒂帕表示,这符合其创造可持续未来的目标)”可知,为了追求可持续性,Tipa选择与现有的生产商合作,而不是建造自己的工厂。故选A项。

35.主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中的“Thanks to Tipa, an Israeli start-up, you will soon be able to add plastics to your compost mix. (多亏了以色列初创公司Tipa,你很快就能在堆肥混合物中添加塑料)”可知,文章主要介绍了以色列的一家创业公司发明的一种用于包装的塑料,这种塑料使得包装可以被堆肥,B新塑料使包装可堆肥符合文意。故选B项。

第二节 (5小题;每小题2,满分10)


2023·山西临汾·临汾第一中学校校联考三模)When you wake up every morning, what will you do first to start your day?    36   . Here are some things productivity experts do to get weekday mornings off to a good start.

I drink a glass of cold water.

Every morning, I start my day with a big glass of ice water.    37   , rehydrating(补充水分) with ice water helps me think more clearly. To make this morning step a no-brainer, I fill up a cup with ice water and place it on my nightstand before bed. When I wake up, it’s right there and ready for me without having to make my way to the kitchen.

I do a breathing exercise to get centered.

I enjoy staying up late at night, so the early morning club is not for me. These three simple habits have been helpful for me: daily affirmation (坚定信念)breathing exercise and gratitude journaling. Once awake, I silently say a positive affirmation. Usually, it is “I am calm. Breathe.”    38   . It takes 10 minutes, but if I do not have time, I would just do a one-minute breathing exercise. Finally, my gratitude journal helps me set the intention for the day.

   39   .

We live in a world where work never ends, so it’s up to us to set our own finish lines to start a day and celebrate when we cross it. Our brains find this much more rewarding, and less tend to be attracted by other distractions (分心).

I think deeply, then review my schedule.

I think deeply and keep a journal every morning before I begin work. This helps me relax and prepare for the day to come. I then review my schedule for the day and week, making note of work sessions.    40   .

AI set my own goal for the day

BI decide how I want my day to end

CLastly, I create a short list of my daily to-dos

DBecause you lack water after sleeping all night

EAlthough it’s appealing to head straight for the coffee

FThen a breathing exercise follows to deepen the positive affirmation

GActually small steps can be done to make a big difference in your work


【答案】36G    37E    38F    39B    40C



36.根据后文“Here are some things productivity experts do to get weekday mornings off to a good start.(这里有一些提高效率的专家会做的事情,让你在工作日的早晨有一个好的开始。)可推知,文章主要介绍在工作日如何提高效率的话题,G选项Actually small steps can be done to make a big difference in your work(实际上,一小步一小步就能使你的工作发生很大的变化)承接了上句“When you wake up every morning,what will you do first to start your day?(当你每天早上醒来的时候,你会首先做什么来开始你的一天?),与后一句意思相连,该选项在此有承上启下的作用,符合语境。故选G

37.根据前文“Every morning,I start my day with a big glass of ice water(每天早上,我用一大杯冰水开始我的一天。)可知, 早上起来先喝杯冰水,E选项“Although it’s appealing to head straight for the coffee(虽然直接去喝咖啡比较有吸引力)表示转折,后一句“rehydrating(补充水分) with ice water helps me think more clearly.(用冰水补充水分可以帮助我更清晰地思考。)对喝冰水的原因进行了解释,符合语境,故选E

38.根据前文“Once awake,I silently say a positive affirmation.Usually,it is ‘I am calm.Breathe.’(一旦醒来,我就默默地说一句积极的肯定。通常是我很平静,深呼吸。可知,这里建议先说一句积极的肯定,后面介绍接下来做什么,F选项“Then a breathing exercise follows to deepen the positive affirmation(然后进行呼吸练习以加深积极肯定)与前一句意思一致,符合语境,其中呼吸积极的肯定是关键对应词。故选F

39.该空是位于段首的主题句,根据后文“We live in a world where work never endsso it's up to us to set our own finish lines to start a day and celebrate when we cross it.Our brains find this much more rewardingand less tend to be attracted by other distractions.(我们生活在一个工作永无止境的世界里,所以一天的开始取决于我们自己设定的终点线,当我们跨过它时庆祝。我们的大脑发现这更有回报,更不容易被其他干扰所吸引。)可知,B选项I decide how I want my day to end(我决定如何结束我的一天)对该段进行了总结概括,适合作段落主题句,符合语境。故选 B

40.根据段首“I think deeply and keep a journal every morning before I begin work.This helps me relax and prepare for the day to come.I then review my schedule for the day and weekmaking note of work sessions.(每天早上开始工作前,我都会认真思考,写日记。这有助于我放松,为新的一天做好准备。然后我回顾当天和每周的日程安排,记下工作时间。)可知,C选项“LastlyI create a short list of my daily to-dos(最后,我会列出每天要做的事情)Lastly“最后与前文中的时间点“before I begin work(每天早上开始工作前)then “然后被用来描述作者在新的一天到来时的生活和工作的节奏,符合语境。故选C

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


2023·江西·江西师大附中校考三模)I’m a bird lover. I’ve     41     a lot of photographs of birds, among which is a photograph of a hawk () that I really like. I know when you     42     a photograph of a hawk, your first thoughts are not of     43    . But without it, this photograph would not     44    .

Early one morning, I drove to Dacula to     45     the birds at Little Mulberry Park. I arrived well before sunrise, so I waited in my car until finally it started to get     46    . I got out of my car and immediately heard the geese making all kinds of noise from the     47    .

As I     48     around a bend, I stopped in     49    . There before me was a beautiful red-shouldered hawk sitting on a post. I started photographing him, and then heard the      50      of joggers behind me. I turned and asked if they would      51      waiting or walking on the other side of the road so they would not      52      the hawk off. I was deeply      53      when they said they could go in the other direction.

The road is 2.2 miles around the lake, and they      54      and ran in the other direction! Another      55      came up, and I said I was sorry. When I turned to thank him for      56     , he had already started to run in the other direction too.

Because the joggers were kind enough to      57      that for me, I was able to photograph the hawk for 20 minutes. The first two joggers had actually jogged the whole road and were      58      to where I first met them. I thanked them again.

I am thankful that the joggers showed kindness to me. It was something so      59     , but it meant getting my shot. They were willing to put me before      60     .

41Abought Bfound Ctaken Dchecked

42Asearch for Blook at Csend out Dprepare for

43Akindness Bweakness Cconfidence Dwisdom

44Adevelop Bexist Chelp Dcontinue

45Acompare Btrain Cprotect Dphotograph

46Awarmer Bcolder Clighter Ddarker

47Asea Bstreet Coutside Dlake

48Awalked Bdrove Cstood Drode

49Aamazement Bpuzzlement Ctrouble Dpeace

50Acomplaints Bfootsteps Csuggestions Ddeparture

51Aavoid Bdelay Cenjoy Dmind

52Asee Bkeep Cscare Dfight

53Ainspired Btouched Cembarrassed Dastonished

54Astepped forward Bturned left Cstepped out Dturned around

55Ajogger Bdriver Cbird lover Dphotographer

56Acoming Breturning Cwaiting Drunning

57Asay Bdo Cleave Dhold

58Aup Binside Caway Dback

59Asmall Bunique Cbrilliant Dpractical

60Aothers Beverything Cthemselves Deverybody



41C    42B    43A    44B    45D    46C    47D    48A    49A    50B    51D    52C    53B    54D    55A    56C    57B    58D    59A    60C



41.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我拍了很多鸟的照片,其中有一张我很喜欢的鹰的照片。A. bought买;B. found发现;C. taken带走,拍照;D. checked检查。根据下文中的“I know when you ____2____ a photograph of a hawk your first thoughts are not of ____3____ .”可知,作者拍摄了很多鸟的照片,其中有一张是一只鹰,take photographs意为拍照符合语境。故选C项。

42.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我知道当你看到鹰的照片时你的第一个想法不是善良。A. search for搜寻;B. look at看;C. send out发出;D. prepare for准备。根据下文中的“your first thoughts are not of ____3____ .”可推断,应该是首先看到照片时才会产生对照片的第一想法。故选B项。

43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我知道当你看到鹰的照片时你首先想到的不是善良。A. kindness善良;B. weakness缺点;C. confidence信心;D. wisdom智慧。根据下文讲述的故事以及下文中的“I am thankful that the joggers showed kindness to me.”可知,人们看到鹰的照片不会想到背后那个善良的故事。故选A项。

44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但如果没有它,这张照片就不会存在。A. develop开发;B. exist存在;C. help帮助;D. continue继续。根据下文中讲述的故事和“Because the joggers were kind enough to ____17____ that for me, I was able to photograph the hawk for 20 minutes.”可知,作者担心跑步者会把鸟吓跑,都绕行才有了作者拍摄这只鹰20分钟,由此可推断,此处指的是没有这些人的善良,就不会有这张照片的存在。故选B项。

45.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天清晨,我开车去达库拉,在小桑树公园拍摄鸟类。A. compare比较;B. train训练;C. protect保护;D. photograph照片。根据下文中的“I started photographing him”可知,此处指的是拍摄照片。故选D项。

46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我在日出前到达,所以我在车里等着,直到最后天开始亮起来。A. warmer更温暖;B. colder较冷;C. lighter更亮;D. darker更暗。根据上文中的“I arrived well before sunrise”可知,作者在太阳升起前就到了,由此可推断,此处指的是在车上等到天开始变亮。故选C项。

47.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我下了车,立刻听到大雁从湖上发出各种各样的声音。A. sea海洋;B. street街道;C. outside外边;D. lake湖。根据上文中的“I got out of my car and immediately heard the geese making all kinds of noise”以及下文中的“The road is 2.2 miles around the lake”可知,作者听到大雁的叫声,声音应该是来自于上符合语境。故选D项。

48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我走过一个弯道时,我惊奇地停了下来。A. walked散步;B. drove驾车;C. stood站立;D. rode骑行。根据上文中的“I got out of my car”可知,作者从车上走下来,此处应指的是过一个弯道符合语境。故选A项。

49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我走过一个弯道时,我惊奇地停了下来。A. amazement惊讶;B. puzzlement迷茫;C. trouble麻烦;D. peace和平。根据上文中的“There before me was a beautiful red-shouldered hawk sitting on a post.”可知,一只红肩鹰坐在一根柱子上,由此可知,作者惊讶地见到这个情景。故选A项。

50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我开始给他拍照,然后听到身后慢跑者的脚步声。A. complaints抱怨;B. footsteps脚步;C. suggestions建议;D. departure出发。根据下文中的“joggers behind me”可知,此处指的是跑步者的脚步声符合语境。故选B项。

51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我转过身来,问他们是否介意在路的另一边等着或者走着,这样他们就不会把鹰吓跑了。A. avoid避免;B. delay推迟;C. enjoy享受;D. mind介意。根据上文中的“I started photographing him, and then heard the ____10____ of joggers behind me.”可知,作者要拍摄时听到有跑步者到来,由此可推断,此处作者应是问一下跑步者是否介意等等或者走路的另一边。故选D项。

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我转过身来,问他们是否介意在路的另一边等着或者走着,这样他们就不会把鹰吓跑了。A. see看见;B. keep维持;C. scare使害怕;D. fight战斗。根据上文中的“I turned and asked if they would ____11____ waiting or walking on the other side of the road”可知,作者问跑步者等等或者走路的另一边,由此可推断是担心把鹰跑,符合语境。故选C项。

53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他们说他们可以走另一个方向时,我深受感动。A. inspired受鼓舞的;B. touched感动的;C. embarrassed    尴尬的;D. astonished惊讶的。根据语境和下文中的“when they said they could go in the other direction.”可知,此处指的是作者被这些跑步者的举动所感动。故选B项。

54.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:这条路绕着湖有2.2英里长,他们转身朝另一个方向跑去了!A. stepped forward向前进;B. turned left向左;C. stepped out走出;D. turned around转身,好转。根据下文中的“ran in the other direction”可知,他们向反方向跑去,由此可知,此处指的是转身。故选D项。

55.考查名词词义辨析。句意:另一个慢跑者走过来,我向他道歉。A. jogger慢跑者;B. driver司机;C. bird lover爱鸟者;D. photographer摄影师。根据another以及上文中的“I started photographing him, and then heard the ____10____ of joggers behind me.”可知,此处指的是慢跑者符合语境。故选A项。

56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我转身感谢他的等待时,他也已经开始朝另一个方向跑去了。A. coming来;B. returning回来;C. waiting等待;D. running跑步。根据上文中的“I turned and asked if they would ____11____ waiting or walking on the other side of the road”以及下文中的“he had already started to run in the other direction too.”可知,作者问询跑步者可否等等或者走另外一条路,该跑步者也向相反的方向跑去,所以此处指的是作者感谢跑步者的等待。故选C项。

57.考查动词词义辨析。句意:因为慢跑者很友好地为我做了这件事,所以我能够拍摄这只鹰20分钟。A. say说;B. do做;C. leave离开;D. hold举行,紧握。根据下文中的“I was able to photograph the hawk for 20 minutes.”可知,作者可以有20分钟时间拍摄鹰的原因是这些跑步者都这样do that指的是向相反的方向跑这件事。故选B项。

58.考查副词词义辨析。句意:前两名慢跑者实际上已经跑完了整条路,回到了我第一次见到他们的地方。A. up向上;B. inside在里面;C. away离开;D. back向后。根据上文“The road is 2.2 miles around the lake”可知,跑步者绕湖跑步,20分钟后又到第一次见到他们的地方。故选D项。

59.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这件事虽然很小,但这意味着我得到了机会。A. small小的;B. unique独特的;C. brilliant杰出的;D. practical实用的。根据上文中的故事可知,作者认为虽然跑步者向相反的方向跑这是一件小的事情,但是对作者来说意味着能拍摄鹰。故选A项。

60.考查代词词义辨析。句意:这是一件很古老的事情,但这意味着我要得到我的机会。A. others其他;B. everything切;C. themselves他们自己;D. everybody大家。根据上文故事可知,为了让作者拍照,跑步者们向相反的方向跑,由此可以推断,跑步者们应该是首先考虑作者而不是他们自己。故选C项。

第二节 ( 10小题:每小题1.5, 满分15)


On Nov. 30, 2022, the AI and research company Open AI launched ChatGPT,     61     natural language processing tool driven by AI technology that allows you to have human like conversations and much more with a chatbot. The language model can answer questions, and assist you     62     tasks such as composing emails, essays, and code. Usage is currently open to public free of charge in its research and feedback-collection phase. As of Feb. I, there is also a     63     (pay) subscription version called ChatGPT Plus.

It’s certainly made a big splash, Sam Altman, OpenAI’s chief, said on social media that ChatGPT had more than 1 million users in its first five days after launching. In fact, according to analysis by Swiss bank UBS, ChatGPT is the     64     (fast) growing app of all time. In January, only two months after its launch, UBS analysis estimates that ChatGPT had 100 million active users. For     65    (compare), it took nine months for TikTok     66     (reach) 100 million.

Despite looking very impressive, ChatGPT still has limitations. “The primary problem is that     67     the answers ChatGPT produces have a high rate of being incorrect, they typically look like they might be good and the answers are very easy     68     (produce),” says Stack Overflow moderators in a post. Another major limitation is that ChatGPT’s data is limited to 2021. The chatbot does not have an awareness of events that     69     (occur) since then.     70    , some questions you ask it will lead to no results such as “Who won the World Cup in 2022?”



61a    62with    63paid    64fastest    65comparison    66to reach

    67although/though/while    68to produce    69have occurred    70Therefore



61.考查冠词。句意:20221130日,人工智能和研究公司Open AI推出了ChatGPT,这是一种由人工智能技术驱动的自然语言处理工具,可以让你与聊天机器人进行像人类一样的对话。分析句子结构可知,tool是可数名词,句中用的是单数,所以前应用不定冠词修饰,natural为辅音音素开头,用a。故填a

62.考查介词。句意:语言模型可以回答问题,并帮助您完成诸如编写电子邮件、论文和代码等任务。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:assist sb with sth意为协助某人做某事。故填with

63.考查形容词。句意:截至21日,ChatGPT Plus还有一个付费订阅版本。分析句子结构可知,空前是冠词,空后是名词,所以空处应填形容词作定语,pay的形容词形式是paid。故填paid


65.考查名词。句意:相比之下,TikTok用了9个月的时间才达到1亿。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:for comparison意为用于比较。故填comparison

66.考查非谓语动词。句意:相比之下,TikTok用了9个月的时间才达到1亿。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定句型:it took+时间+to do sth。意为花时间做某事。故填to reach

67.考查状语从句。句意:Stack Overflow的版主在一篇帖子中说:“主要问题是,尽管ChatGPT生成的答案错误率很高,但它们通常看起来可能很好,而且答案很容易生成。分析句子结构可知,空处引导状语从句,根据句意,表达尽管之意,应用although或者though或者while引导让步状语从句。故填although或者though或者while

68.考查非谓语动词。句意:Stack Overflow的版主在一篇帖子中说:“主要问题是,尽管ChatGPT生成的答案错误率很高,但它们通常看起来可能很好,而且答案很容易生成。分析句子结构可知,此处是固定搭配:be+adj. to do sth. 意为做某事是怎么样的。故填to produce

69.考查动词时态。句意:聊天机器人不知道此后发生的事件。分析句子结构可知,本句缺少谓语动词,所以occur作本句谓语,根据标志词since可知,用现在完成时。故填have occurred

70.考查副词。句意:因此,你问的一些问题会导致没有结果,比如谁赢得了2022年的世界杯?分析句子结构可知,前句后“some questions you ask it will lead to no results such as “Who won the World Cup in 2022?””之间是因果关系,空处修饰空后整个句子,应该用副词修饰,位于句首,首字母应大写。故填Therefore

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错 (10小题;每小题1分,满分10)



删除:把多余的词用斜线( \ )划掉。


注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

After school, I was about to enter into my apartment when I saw a little dirty dog lie beside the dustbin. He looked extremely weak. Immediately the homeless dog filled me of sympathy. So I decided to take him home. I gave him some food and a bath. After the bath he looked energy and refreshed. What a lovely dog!

When my parents got home, I asked that I could keep the dog. To my surprise and joys, they agreed. Up to now, he has become member of our family and everyone have enjoyed his company. Looked at the cute and happy dog today, I realize that I was right to help him. I offered him a shelter and he brought ourselves great happiness and laughter.


2.lie→ lying

3.of→ with

4.energy→ energetic

5.that→ if/whether

6.joys→ joy


8.have→ has

9.Looked→ Looking

10.ourselves→ us


【详解】1. 考查动词。句意:放学后,我正要进入我的公寓时,我看到一只小脏狗躺在垃圾箱旁边。动词enter为及物动词,其后直接接宾语。故将into去掉。

2. 考查非谓语动词。句意:放学后,我正要进入我的公寓时,我看到一只小脏狗躺在垃圾箱旁边。非谓语动词担当宾语补足语,和宾语“a little dirty dog”之间为主动关系,表示宾语正在做某事,用动词的现在分词形式。故将lie改为lying

3. 考查固定搭配。句意:那只无家可归的狗立刻使我充满了同情。固定搭配:fill sb. with sth.,意为使某人充满……”。故将of改为with

4. 考查形容词。句意:洗完澡后,他显得精力充沛,神清气爽。这里为形容词担当表语,表示精力充沛的。故将energy改为energetic

5. 考查宾语从句。句意:当我的父母回家时,我问我是否可以养狗。这里为宾语从句的连接词,从句不缺少成分,表示是否,用ifwhether。故将that改为ifwhether

6. 考查名词的数。句意:令我又惊又喜的是,他们同意了。名词“joy”,意为快乐,不可数名词。故将joys改为joy

7. 考查冠词。句意:到目前为止,他已经成为我们家庭的一员,每个人都很喜欢他的陪伴。修饰可数名词单数,表示泛指,用不定冠词a。故在member前加a

8. 考查主谓一致。句意:到目前为止,他已经成为我们家庭的一员,每个人都很喜欢他的陪伴。这里为本句谓语动词,主语为“everyone”,单数。故将have改为has

9. 考查非谓语动词。句意:看着今天可爱又快乐的小狗,我意识到我帮助它是对的。逻辑主语Ilook之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故将Looked改为Looking

10 考查代词。句意:给他提供了一个庇护所,但他给我们带来了巨大的快乐和笑声。本句主语为“he”,宾语指的是我们,用“us”。故将ourselves改为us

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

2023·江西·校联考模拟预测)你校最近举办了以强国有我(We’ll Make China Strong为主题的升旗仪式及国旗下的演讲活动。请根据以下提示,写一篇英文作文,内容包括:


注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:国歌 national anthem


【答案】The national flag - raising ceremony on the theme of “We’ll Make China Strong” took place in our school on Monday morning.

The moment all the students and teachers gathered on the playground, the ceremony began. As the music played, some students dressed in uniform marched in with the flag. Then we all sang our national anthem as the flag rose slowly. After the flag was raised, one student delivered a speech titled “I will do my part to make China prosperous”.

I was deeply impressed by the activity. As a Chinese, I take great pride in my motherland. Though she suffered a lot in the past, China has been developing rapidly in the last few decades. It is everyone’s responsibility to make China strong and prosperous.

【导语】本篇书面表达属于开放性作文。要求考生就学校举办的“We’ll Make China Strong”主题升旗仪式及演讲活动写一篇作文,说明活动时间,地点,内容和自己的感受。


举办:take place→be held


……骄傲:take pride in→be proud of




原句:I was deeply impressed by the activity. As a Chinese, I take great pride in my motherland.

拓展句:I was deeply impressed by the activity because, as a Chinese, I take great pride in my motherland.

【点睛】【高分句型1The moment all the students and teachers gathered on the playground, the ceremony began. (运用了the moment引导的时间状语从句)

【高分句型2Though she suffered a lot in the past, China has been developing rapidly in the last few decades.(运用了though引导的让步状语从句)


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