

正文概述 王宝红   2023-09-20  


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




2023·重庆巴南·校联考模拟预测)About Scholastic Kids Press

Scholastic Kids Press is a group of talented kid reporters, ages 10-14, from across the country and around the world. Since 2000, our award-winning young journalists have reported “news for kids, by kids”, covering politics, entertainment the environment, sports and more in their hometowns and on the national stage. Their stories appear online and in Scholastic magazines, which reach more than 25 million students in classrooms nationwide.

Scholastic Kid Reporters have made headlines(头条)by interviewing Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, environmentalist Jane Goodall, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, Dog Man author Dav Pilkey, actress Misty Copeland and more.

Contact Info

Email us at kidspress@scholastic.com.

How to apply?

We are now accepting Kid Reporter applications for the 2023-2024 program year. Learn more and download the application here.

The application to join Scholastic Kids Press includes writing a news story, story ideas and a personal article. Editors select Kid Reporters every year based on writing ability, interviewing skills and attention to detail.

To be considered, applicants must be between 10-14. Students in any part of the world are welcome to apply.

What do Scholastic Kid Reporters write about?

Throughout the year, Scholastic Kid Reporters cover issues and topics that matter most to them and their peers(同龄人). This includes current events, breaking news, entertainment, sports and more from their communities.

The Kid Reporter application is now open! Click here to learn more.

21Why does the author mention some people in the second paragraph?

ATo show Scholastic Kid Reporters’ success.

BTo introduce Scholastic Kid Reporters’ various readers.

CTo prove Scholastic Kid Reporters’ effects on famous people.

DTo tell us the topics Scholastic Kid Reporters value.

22What does Scholastic Kids Press pay much attention to about the applicants?

AThe place they come from. BTheir age.

CTheir personal experience. DThe language they speak.

23What do Scholastic Kid Reporters mainly cover?

ASkills in making delicious food. BStories of their parents.

CThe most important things for kids. DHousework suitable for children.


【答案】21A    22B    23C



21.推理判断题。根据文章第二段“Scholastic Kid Reporters have made headlines(头条)by interviewing Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Lin-Manuel Miranda, environmentalist Jane Goodall, Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden, Nobel Peace Prize winner Malala Yousafzai, Dog Man author Dav Pilkey, actress Misty Copeland and more.(“学院派儿童记者采访普利策奖得主、作曲家林-曼努埃尔·米兰达、环保主义者简·古道尔、国会图书馆馆长卡拉·海登、诺贝尔和平奖得主马拉拉·尤萨夫扎伊、《狗人》作者戴维·普尔基、女演员米斯蒂·科普兰等人,成为头条新闻。)”可知,第二段提到的这些人名都是一些著名人物,学院派儿童记者能够采访到这些人,说明很成功。故选A项。

22.细节理解题。根据How to apply?中的“To be considered, applicants must be between 10-14.(申请人年龄必须在10-14岁之间。)”可知,申请人的年龄必须在10-14岁之间,这是需要关注的。故选B项。

23.细节理解题。根据What do Scholastic Kid Reporters write about?中的“Throughout the year, Scholastic Kid Reporters cover issues and topics that matter most to them and their peers(同龄人).(在这一年中,学术儿童记者会报道对他们和他们的同龄人最重要的问题和话题。)”可知,小记者会报道对他们和他们的同龄人最重要的问题和话题。故选C项。


2023·福建厦门·统考三模)Dressed in a shiny metallic suit, Katia Krafft’s small frame is overshadowed by the red curtain of molten rock that bursts from the ground before her. The dramatic moment was captured (捕捉) in a photo taken atop Iceland’s Krafla volcano in 1984, during the final breathing of a multi-year-long eruption. Looking at the image, one can almost feel the volcano’s heat, hear its roar, and sense Krafft’s heart pounding as the volcanologist does what she loves most: bearing witness to our planet’s strong anger.

Katia Krafft was a fearless pioneer in volcanology, studying the explosive peaks at a time when there were few women in the field. She was born in the Rhine valley of northeast France in 1942, curing the height of World War II. The chaotic human world drove both Katia and her husband, Maurice Krafft, also a volcanologist, to seek comfort in nature. The moment a volcano exploded, they dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event.

The Kraffts used their videos of explosive eruptions to explain the complex risks and uncertainties of these disasters. It changed the ability to communicate volcano science. Their videos are credited as one of the primary reasons that officials in the Philippines took the warning signs of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 seriously. Yet the Kraffs didn’t live to see that eruption. The couple died less than two weeks earlier in Japan during a monstrous eruption, which claimed 41 other lives.

Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has encouraged many young women to study our restless planet. “Katia Krafft is definitely the reason why I’m doing this job,” says Carla Tiraboschi, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minster, Germany. Tiraboschi first saw Katia in a documentary when she was just six or seven years old and has been crazy about volcanoes ever since. She now studies the processes at work deep below the volcanic peaks.

24What does the author want to tell us in paragraph 1?

AThe importance of volcanology. BThe damage of a volcanic eruption.

CThe difficulty of filming volcanoes. DKatia Krafft’s passion for her work.

25What can we know about the videos of explosive eruptions?

AThey prevented a natural disaster. BThey served as a warning in Japan.

CThey helped spread volcano science. DThey covered Mount Pinatubo’s eruption.

26How did Katia influence Carla Tiraboschi?

AKatia’s death made her restless. BKatia helped her with her research.

CKatia’s deeds inspired her career choice. DKatia taught her to make a documentary.

27Which of the following best describes Katia Krafft?

ACreative and honest. BBrave and enthusiastic.

CAmbitious and outgoing. DDetermined and generous.


【答案】24D    25C    26C    27B


【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章介绍了法国火山学家Katia Krafft和丈夫一起一生追逐危险的活火山,留下的图像与影像帮助传播火山科学,并激励更多的人从事火山研究。

24.推理判断题。第一段中“Dressed in a shiny metallic suit, Katia Krafft’s small frame is overshadowed by the red curtain of molten rock that bursts from the ground before her. The dramatic moment was captured (捕捉) in a photo taken atop Iceland’s Krafla volcano in 1984, during the final breathing of a multi-year-long eruption. (Katia Krafft穿着闪亮的金属套装,她矮小的身躯被眼前从地面迸射出来的红色熔岩幕遮住了。1984年,在冰岛克拉夫拉火山持续多年的喷发的最后一次呼吸中,这一戏剧性的时刻被拍了下来。看着这张照片,人们几乎可以感受到火山的热量,听到它的轰鸣声,并感觉到火山学家Krafft的心脏在跳动,她正在做她最喜欢的事情:见证我们星球的强烈愤怒。)”通过一张照片描述火山学家Katia Krafft在喷发的火山前的情景,研究活火山是Katia最喜欢的事情;由此可知,第一段通过对一张照片的描述告诉我们火山学家Katia Krafft对于研究活火山这一工作非常热爱。故选D

25.细节理解题。根据第三段“The Kraffts used their videos of explosive eruptions to explain the complex risks and uncertainties of these disasters. It changed the ability to communicate volcano science. Their videos are credited as one of the primary reasons that officials in the Philippines took the warning signs of Mount Pinatubo’s eruption in 1991 seriously. (Krafft夫妇用他们拍摄的火山爆炸性喷发视频来解释这些灾难的复杂风险和不确定性。它改变了火山科学交流的能力。他们的视频被认为是菲律宾官员认真对待1991年皮纳图博火山喷发警告信号的主要原因之一。)”可知,Krafft夫妇用拍摄的火山爆炸性喷发视频解释这些灾难的复杂风险和不确定性,帮助传播火山的科学知识。故选C

26.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Katia’s impact on volcanology has reached far beyond her death and has encouraged many young women to study our restless planet. “Katia Krafft is definitely the reason why I’m doing this job,” says Carla Tiraboschi, a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Minster, Germany. Tiraboschi first saw Katia in a documentary when she was just six or seven years old and has been crazy about volcanoes ever since. She now studies the processes at work deep below the volcanic peaks.( Katia对火山学的影响远远超出了她的死亡,并鼓励许多年轻女性研究我们这个不安分的星球。德国明斯特大学的博士后研究员Carla Tiraboschi说:“Katia Krafft肯定是我从事这项工作的原因。”Carla Tiraboschi第一次见到Katia是在一部纪录片中,当时她只有六七岁,从那以后就一直对火山着迷。她现在研究火山峰深处的工作过程。)”可知,Carla TiraboschiKatia Krafft的事迹的鼓舞,选择从事火山研究。故选C

27.推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Looking at the image, one can almost feel the volcano’s heat, hear its roar, and sense Krafft’s heart pounding as the volcanologist does what she loves most: bearing witness to our planet’s strong anger. (看着这张照片,人们几乎可以感受到火山的热量,听到它的轰鸣声,并感觉到火山学家Krafft的心脏在跳动,她正在做她最喜欢的事情:见证我们星球的强烈愤怒。)”可知,研究活火山喷发是Krafft最喜欢的事情,结合第二段最后一句“The moment a volcano exploded, they dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event.(火山爆发的那一刻,他们放下一切去分析和捕捉每一个事件的美丽和神秘。)”可知,研究火山喷发对于Krafft来说是重要的事情,由此可知,Krafft对于追逐研究危险的活火山充满热情;根据第二段中“Katia Krafft was a fearless pioneer in volcanology, studying the explosive peaks at a time when there were few women in the field. …The moment a volcano exploded, they dropped everything to analyze and capture the beauty and mystery of each event.(Katia Krafft是一位无畏的火山学先驱,她在研究火山爆发高峰的时候,这个领域里几乎没有女性。……火山爆发的那一刻,他们放下一切去分析和捕捉每一个事件的美丽和神秘。)”以及第三段最后一句“Yet the Kraffs didn’t live to see that eruption. The couple died less than two weeks earlier in Japan during a monstrous eruption, which claimed 41 other lives.(然而,卡夫一家没能活着看到那次喷发。不到两周前,这对夫妇在日本的一次可怕的火山爆发中丧生,那次火山爆发夺去了另外41人的生命。)”可知,火山喷发非常危险,但是火山爆发的时候,Katia夫妇放下一切去研究和拍摄火山喷发,最后不幸在日本的一次火山喷发中死亡;由此可知,Katia对于研究活火山充满热情,面对火山喷发的危险勇敢无畏。因此,B选项“Brave and enthusiastic(勇敢且满腔热忱)”最适合描述Katia Krafft。故选B


2023·浙江·校联考模拟预测)A new study suggests that mindfulness education — lessons on techniques to calm the mind and body — can reduce the negative effects of stress and increase students’ ability to stay engaged, helping them stay on track academically and avoid behavior problems.

After finding that students who self-reported mindful habits performed better on tests and had higher grades, researchers from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University wanted to know if school-based mindfulness training could help more students reap similar benefits.

They designed a study focusing on sixth-graders in a Boston school. The study showed that sixth-graders who participated in an eight-week mindfulness were less stressed out than their classmates who hadn’t. Practicing mindfulness had helped improve the ability to focus in the moment, expanding students’ capacity to learn and regulate their emotions.

Four times a week, instructors from Calmer Choice, a Massachusetts nonprofit specializing in mindfulness education, taught the group techniques and led them through practices, like focusing on a rock for a minute, then discussing when their mind wandered and refocused on the rock. Another group of sixth-graders took computer coding during that time instead. The students were randomly assigned between the groups.

At the end of the eight weeks, the mindfulness group reported being less stressed than they had been before the mindfulness education, and better able to practice self-control. And their amygdalae, the part of the brain that controls emotion, responded less to pictures of fearful faces than they did prior to the mindfulness work, suggesting their brains were less sensitive to negative stimuli, or, in other words, that they were less likely to get stressed out and lose focus. The group who attended coding classes didn’t see the same benefits.

The findings suggest that the mindfulness instruction helped boost students’ attention skills, as well as develop coping mechanisms for stress. The researchers believe it could be especially useful for schools to support students suffering from severe mental damage and other adversities that trigger stress in the body, hurting students’ ability to succeed.

28What was the purpose of the study?

ATo examine the techniques for practicing mindfulness.

BTo study the effects of group mindfulness training on students.

CTo see how students help themselves to perform better on tests.

DTo understand why mindfulness training calms the mind and body.

29How was the study conducted?

ABy listing benefits of mindfulness education.

BBy scanning the brain to see how it controls emotions.

CBy teaching different students different mindfulness skills.

DBy comparing two groups of students attending different classes.

30What change took place after the students practiced mindfulness work?

AThey felt easier to stay focused. BThey were better at computer coding.

CTheir mind was wandering more actively. DTheir brains were more aware of negativity.

31Who are the most possible target readers of the passage?

AStressful parents. BMindful instructors.

CEmotional students. DSchool educators.


【答案】28B    29D    30A    31D



28.细节理解题。根据第二段中“researchers from the Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University wanted to know if school-based mindfulness training could help more students reap similar benefits (哈佛大学教育政策研究中心的研究人员想知道,以学校为基础的正念训练是否能帮助更多的学生获得类似的好处)”可知,该研究探究的是以学校为基础的正念训练对学生是否有类似的好处,即群体正念训练对学生的效果。故选B项。

29.推理判断题。根据第四段中“Four times a week, instructors from Calmer Choice, a Massachusetts nonprofit specializing in mindfulness education, taught the group techniques and led them through practices (来自马萨诸塞州专注于正念教育的非盈利机构Calmer Choice的教师每周四次教授小组技巧,并带领他们进行练习)”“Another group of sixth-graders took computer coding during that time instead. (另一组六年级学生在这段时间学习计算机编程。)”可知,研究人员将参与者分成了两个小组,一个小组进行正念训练,另一个小组学习编程。因此,该研究是通过比较学习不同课程的两组学生来进行的。故选D项。

30.细节理解题。根据第五段中“And their amygdalae, the part of the brain that controls emotion, responded less to pictures of fearful faces than they did prior to the mindfulness work, suggesting their brains were less sensitive to negative stimuli, or, in other words, that they were less likely to get stressed out and lose focus. (他们的大脑中控制情绪的部分——杏仁体,对恐惧面孔的反应比他们在进行正念训练之前要少,这表明他们的大脑对负面刺激不那么敏感,换句话说,他们不太可能感到压力和注意力不集中。)”可知,在学生们进行正念练习后,他们更容易集中注意力,保持专注。故选A项。

31.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“The researchers believe it could be especially useful for schools to support students suffering from severe mental damage and other adversities that trigger stress in the body, hurting students’ ability to succeed. (研究人员认为,这对学校来说尤其有用,可以帮助那些遭受严重精神损伤和其他逆境的学生,这些逆境会引发身体压力,损害学生成功的能力。)”可知,该研究可以很好地指导学校去帮助遭遇精神损伤和其他逆境的学生。由此推知,文章最有可能的目标读者群体是学校的教育者。故选D项。


2023·福建厦门·统考三模)About 5,300 years ago, people from the grasslands of modern-day Russia and Ukraine expanded rapidly across Eurasia. Within a few centuries these “Yamnaya” left a lasting genetic mark on populations from central Europe to the Caspian Sea. Today, archaeologists call them “eastern cowboys” for their livestock herding (畜牧) and highly mobile lifestyle.

But one part of the classic cowboy picture was missing: horseback riding. Although cattle bones and solid carriages have been found in Yamnaya sites, horse bones are hard to find, and most archaeologists assumed people did not start to ride horses until at least 1,000 years later.

In a new study published in Science Advances, researchers say they’ve found the earliest evidence of horseback riding not in the bones of ancient horses, but in their Yamnaya riders. “Everyone has focused on horse remains to get an idea of early horse riding,” says co-author and University of Helsinki archaeologist Volker Heyd. “Our approach was to look at humans.”

The researchers looked at more than 150 bones unearthed in Romania, Hungary, and Bulgaria — the western frontier of Yamnaya expansion. The Yamnaya were well-fed, healthy, and tall; the chemical composition of their bones showed protein rich diets consistent with herding cattle and sheep. But the bones showed signs of distinctive wear and tear. They also showed thick spots on the leg bone consistent with lots of time spent on the horse back. Healed injuries matched the kinds of damage a kicking horse might cause, or what sports medicine doctors today see in riders thrown from their horses.

“In terms of trying to identify people riding horses, I think they’ve done the best job possible bioarchaeologically,” says bioarchaeologist Jane Buikstra. “That doesn’t mean it’s perfect, or convincing, ultimately.”

More samples — including horse bones with signs of riding, such as bit marks or back bone damage from the weight of a rider — would help make the case, says CU bioarchaeologist Lauren Hosek. What the group has found “is really interesting”, she says. “But there’s a lot more work to be done when the risks of drawing the final conclusion are as high as the earliest horse riding.”

32Why are the archaeologists looking for the horse bones?

ATo prove the Yamnaya’s rapid expansion.

BTo confirm the Yamnaya’s herding variety.

CTo further understand the lifestyle of Yamnaya.

DTo trace the origin of the classic cowboy picture.

33How is Volker Heyd’s research different from others?

AIt includes field trips. BIt focuses on human bones.

CIt is based on horse remains. DIt compares the compositions of bones.

34What do we know about the Yamnaya from Paragraph 4?

ATheir bones bore the evidence of horse riding.

BMany Yamnaya people died from horse kicks.

CTheir lifestyle of herding led to severe injuries.

DThey mainly lived in Romania, Hungary and Bulgaria.

35What is Lauren Hosek’s attitude to the research findings?

AObjective. BFavorable.

CDisapproving. DUnclear.


【答案】32C    33B    34A    35A



32.细节理解题。根据第三段中Volker Heyd所说的话“Everyone has focused on horse remains to get an idea of early horse riding (每个人都把注意力集中在马的遗骸上,以了解早期的骑马活动)”可知,考古学家寻找马骨是为了进一步了解颜那亚人的骑马活动,即他们的生活方式。故选C项。

33.细节理解题。根据第三段中Volker Heyd所说的话“Our approach was to look at humans. (我们的方法是观察人类。)”可知,Volker Heyd的研究不同于其他研究的地方在于该研究从人类入手,专注于人类的骨头。故选B项。

34.推理判断题。根据第四段中“But the bones showed signs of distinctive wear and tear. They also showed thick spots on the leg bone consistent with lots of time spent on the horse back. Healed injuries matched the kinds of damage a kicking horse might cause, or what sports medicine doctors today see in riders thrown from their horses. (但这些骨头显示出明显的磨损迹象。它们还展示了腿骨上的厚厚的斑点,这与在马背上待了很长时间一致。愈合的伤口与被马踢伤可能造成的伤害相匹配,或者与今天运动医学医生看到的骑手从马上摔下来的情况相匹配。)”可知,这些颜那亚骑手骨头上的情况与骑马活动及受伤的情况相匹配。由此可知,他们的骨头显示了骑马的痕迹。故选A项。

35.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“What the group has found “is really interesting”, she says. “But there’s a lot more work to be done when the risks of drawing the final conclusion are as high as the earliest horse riding.” (她说,研究小组的发现非常有趣但是,当得出最终结论的风险与最早的骑马一样高时,还有很多工作要做。”)”可知,Lauren Hosek既肯定了该研究发现的价值,也提出了需要谨慎对待该研究发现,去开展更多的工作。由此推知,她对该研究发现的态度是客观的(objective)。故选A项。

第二节 (5小题;每小题2,满分10)


2023·江苏南京·南京市第一中学校考模拟预测)Sometimes dealing with your negative emotions can be challenging. When life is stressful, it’s very easy to give in to feelings of anger or depression.     36     Here are some ways that car help you better deal with a wide range of negative emotions.

·Acknowledge your feelings.

Dealing with negative emotions can be difficult. But it’s important to allow yourself to experience those emotions, as suppressing (抑制) them can cause stress.     37     For example, if you are feeling nervous, ask yourself, “What am I afraid of?” Acknowledging the issue can help you figure out how to handle it.

·    38    

Small changes can have a big impact on your emotional health. Try changing your space to make it a more calming place. For example, if your negative emotions arise from feeling out of control, try organizing your space. Clearing up the mess can make you feel on top of things.

·Shift your focus away from the bad thing.

When you know that something is causing a negative emotion, try to shift your focus away from that situation. For example, if you are stuck in a traffic jam and running late, shift your focus from the traffic to listening to your favorite CD    39    

·Talk about your feelings

Talking about your negative emotions is very productive. Try talking to your friends or family members. It is a good idea to let your loved ones know your feelings. Try saying, “I’ve been really stressed out lately. Do you have time to talk things through with me?”     40     It’s fine to express anger or frustration, but do so without shouting.

AHave a try to change your environment.

BBe calm and reasonable while you are talking.

CIt’s common to be filled with negative emotions.

DYou don’t have to spend too much effort on them.

EWhen you experience a negative emotion, acknowledge it.

FFocusing on something positive can help to calm you down.

GHowever, you will be more productive if you can handle them.


【答案】36G    37E    38A    39F    40B



36.根据上文“When life is stressful. it’s very easy to give in to feelings of anger or depression.( 当生活充满压力时,我们很容易屈服于愤怒或沮丧的情绪。)”和下文“Here are some ways that can help you better deal with a wide range of negative emotions.(这里有一些方法可以帮助你更好地处理各种各样的负面情绪。)”可知,空处和上文形成转折关系,说明有办法可以处理负面情绪,G项中的“them”指的是“feelings of anger or depression”,即愤怒或抑郁的情绪。G“However, you will be more productive if you can handle them.(然而,如果你能处理好它们,你的工作效率会更高。)”符合语境。故选G

37.根据段落小标题“Acknowledge your feelings.(承认你的情绪。)”可知,设空内容涉及承认负面情绪有助于应对诸如紧张、焦虑等消极情绪。E“When you experience a negative emotion, acknowledge it.(当你经历消极情绪时,承认它。)”符合语境。故选E

38.空处为段落小标题。根据下文“Small changes can have a big impact on your emotional health.(小小的改变会对你的情绪健康产生很大的影响。)”可知,本段主要讲改变所处的环境会影响人的情绪。A“Have a try to change your environment.(试着改变一下你的环境。)”是最佳小标题。故选A

39.上文“When you know that something is causing a negative emotion, try to shift your focus away from that situation. For example, if you are stuck in a traffic jam and running late, shift your focus from the traffic to listening to your favorite CD.(当你知道某件事引起了你的消极情绪时,试着把你的注意力从这种情况上移开。例如,如果你被困在交通堵塞和迟到,把你的注意力从交通转移到听你最喜欢的CD)”举例说明,要学会把注意力从引起消极情绪的事情上转移开,F“Focusing on something positive can help to calm you down.(专注于积极的事情可以帮助你冷静下来。)”承接上文,说明应该将注意力转移动词积极的事情上和这样做的好处,上下文语意连贯。故选F

40.根据本段小标题“Talk about your feeling.(谈论你的感受。)”和后句“It’s fine to express anger or frustration, but do so without shouting.(表达愤怒或沮丧是可以的,但不要大喊大叫。)”可知,谈论感受的时候要冷静。B“Be calm and reasonable while you are talking.(说话的时候要冷静,讲道理。)”符合语境。故选B

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


2023·陕西西安·西安市大明宫中学校考一模)Zoey was reported missing in 2010 after disappearing from her family home. But she has been reunited with her owner after being    41    by animal services 12 years later.

Zoey, aged 13, was reported missing in 2010 after her    42    had been trapped in the supermarket for just 20 minutes, leaving her two    43    at home. When owner Michelle    44    , she discovered Zoey’s missing but her little sister still inside the    45    .

Michelle, who then    46    in Lafayette, California, contacted her microchip company to report her dog as missing. She also    47    her neighbors about what had happened. After waiting by the    48    for months hoping somebody would call up about her missing dog, she gave up    49    on ever seeing Zoey again. She ended up    50     to Benicia with her family, which is about one hour and 15 minutes away from Lafayette by car.

But 12 years later, the call she had been    51    waiting for finally came. Animal Services Officer Brandon Levin     52    a call regarding a stray (流浪的) dog who had been dropped off on a rural property outside Stockton. The caller said the dog appeared    53    and unwell. Levin scanned the dog for a tracking chip, and to his    54    , the dog, named Zoey, had been reported missing from Lafayette, California in 2010. Levin tried    55    the phone number Michelle had left. She was amazed to find it got through. Levin then    56    Michelle in Rio Vista, where she and Zoey reunited after 12 years apart.

Michelle said, “I’m still in    57    . I definitely didn’t expect this to ever happen — but I’m    58    to hopefully bring her home. I am greatly thankful to the    59    caller, officer, and Zoey’s microchip. Without their kind   60    . I would never see Zoey again.”

41Asent up Btaken up Cpicked up Dbrought up

42Amother Bowner Cfather Dsister

43Achildren Bcats Cfriends Ddogs

44Areturned Bleft Cstopped Dcame

45Aarea Bsupermarket Chouse Dcage

46Alived Bpacked Ctravelled Dwaited

47Apersuaded Binformed Cwarned Daccused

48Aschool Bcompany Cphone Dstreet

49Apromise Badvice Cchance Dhope

50Amoving Bgetting Cwalking Drunning

51Amentally Bdesperately Coccasionally Dinitially

52Afound Bheard Cmade Dreceived

53Afat Bstrong Cold Dyoung

54Asurprise Bsatisfaction Cscare Dconfusion

55Arecalling Bdialing Cremembering Dreciting

56Awelcomed Bcomforted Cwitnessed Dmet

57Aplace Border Ctrouble Dshock

58Aimpressed Bsorry Cexcited Dsure

59Aselfish Bconcerned Ctireless Dgentle

60Ahelp Bidea Ccomment Dplan



41C    42B    43D    44A    45C    46A    47B    48C    49D    50A    51B    52D    53C    54A    55B    56D    57D    58C    59B    60A



41.考查动词短语辨析。句意:但12年后,她被动物服务机构捡到,终于和主人团聚了。A. sent up使升高;B. taken up占据;C. picked up捡起;D. brought up抚养。结合后文“by animal services 12 years later”指佐伊被动物服务机构捡到(暗指被救助),最后得以和主人团聚。故选C

42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:佐伊,13岁,2010年被报道失踪,她的主人在超市里20分钟,把她的两只狗留在家里。A. mother母亲;B. owner物主,主人;C. father父亲;D. sister姐妹。呼应后文“When owner Michelle”指狗的主人去超市了,故选B

43.考查名词词义辨析。句意:佐伊,13岁,2010年被报道失踪,她的主人在超市里20分钟,把她的两只狗留在家里。A. children孩子;B. cats猫;C. friends朋友;D. dogs狗。根据后文“report her dog as missing”可知,主人把两只狗留在了家里。故选D

44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当主人米歇尔回来时,她发现佐伊不见了,但她的妹妹还在房子里。A. returned返回;B. left离开;C. stopped停止;D. came来。上文“had been trapped in the supermarket for just 20 minutes”提到主人去超市了,所以是返回家里发现狗不见了。故选A

45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当主人米歇尔回来时,她发现佐伊不见了,但她的妹妹还在房子里。A. area区域;B. supermarket超市;C. house房子;D. cage笼子。呼应上文“at home”把狗留在了家里。故选C

46.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当时住在加州拉斐特的米歇尔联系了她的微芯片公司,报告她的狗失踪了。A. lived居住;B. packed打包;C. travelled旅行;D. waited等待。根据后文“in Lafayette, California”以及“to Benicia with her family, which is about one hour and 15 minutes away from Lafayette by car”可知,她一开始住在加州拉斐特。故选A

47.考查动词词义辨析。句意:她还把发生的事情告诉了邻居。A. persuaded说服;B. informed通知;C. warned警告;D. accused控告。根据后文“her neighbors about what had happened”指告知邻居狗不见了的事情。故选B

48.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在电话旁等了几个月,希望有人会打电话说发现了她失踪的狗,之后她放弃了再见到佐伊的希望。A. school学校;B. company公司;C. phone电话;D. street街道。根据后文“hoping somebody would call up about her missing dog”可知是等在电话旁边,希望有人打电话来。故选C

49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她在电话旁等了几个月,希望有人会打电话说发现了她失踪的狗,之后她放弃了再见到佐伊的希望。A. promise承诺;B. advice建议;C. chance机会;D. hope希望。根据后文“on ever seeing Zoey again”以及她等了好几个月可知,最后是放弃了找到狗的希望。故选D

50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,她和家人搬到了贝尼西亚,那里距离拉斐特约有1小时15分钟的车程。A. moving移动,搬家;B. getting得到;C. walking散步;D. running奔跑。根据后文“to Benicia with her family, which is about one hour and 15 minutes away from Lafayette by car”可知,狗的主人搬家了,故选A

51.考查副词词义辨析。句意:但12年后,她一直在拼命等待的电话终于来了。A. mentally心理地;B. desperately绝望地、拼命地;C. occasionally偶尔;D. initially首先。呼应上文“for months hoping somebody would call up about her missing dog”指拼命等待(暗指苦苦等待)的电话,故选B

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:动物服务官员布兰登·莱文接到一个电话,说有一只流浪狗被遗弃在斯托克顿郊外的一处乡村。A. found找到;B. heard听见;C. made制作;D. received收到。根据后文“The caller said the dog appeared”可知是接到了电话,故选D

53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:打电话的人说那只狗看起来又老又不舒服。A. fat胖的;B. strong强壮的;C. old老的;D. young年轻的。根据上文“Zoey, aged 13”可知,佐伊十三岁了,是只老狗。故选C

54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:莱文扫描了这只狗的追踪芯片,令他惊讶的是,这只名叫佐伊的狗于2010年在加州拉斐特被报告失踪。A. surprise惊讶;B. satisfaction满足;C. scare恐吓;D. confusion困惑。根据后文“the dog, named Zoey, had been reported missing from Lafayette, California in 2010.”可知,得知了狗的信息感到惊讶,短语to one’s surprise表示令某人惊讶的是。故选A

55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:莱文试着拨米歇尔留下的电话号码。A. recalling回想起;B. dialing拨号;C. remembering记得;D. reciting背诵。根据后文“the phone number”指拨打电话号码,应用动词dial。故选B

56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后,莱文在里约维斯塔遇见了米歇尔,在那里她和佐伊在分开12年后重逢。A. welcomed欢迎;B. comforted安慰;C. witnessed目击;D. met会见。根据后文“Michelle in Rio Vista, where she and Zoey reunited alter 12 years apart”指莱文在里约维斯塔会见了米歇尔,故选D

57.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我仍然很震惊。A. place地方;B. order订单;C. trouble麻烦;D. shock震惊。根据后文“I definitely didn’t expect this to ever happen(我绝对没想到会发生这种事)”可知米歇尔对12年后找到狗这件事很吃惊。故选D

58.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我绝对没有想到会发生这样的事,但我很兴奋,希望能把她带回家。A. impressed印象深刻的;B. sorry抱歉的;C. excited激动的;D. sure当然的。根据后文“to hopefully bring her home”可知,丢失12年的狗找到了,情绪应当是激动的。故选C

59.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我非常感谢关心此事的来电者,警官和佐伊的微芯片。A. selfish自私的;B. concerned关心的;C. tireless不知疲倦的;D. gentle温和的。根据前文“a call regarding a stray (流浪的) dog who had been dropped off on a rural property outside Stockton. The caller said the dog appeared”可知,正是因为关心狗的来电者,米歇尔才能找回狗,此处指关心此事的来电者。故选B

60.考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果没有他们的帮助,我再也见不到佐伊了。A. help帮助;B. idea想法;C. comment评论;D. plan计划。结合上文可知是来电者,警官和佐伊的微芯片帮助了米歇尔找到了狗,故选A

第二节 ( 10小题:每小题1.5, 满分15)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.


Beijing Opera is a national treasure of China. With     61     history of more than 200 years, it has spread to other countries such as the United States and Japan.

Although     62     (refer) to as Beijing Opera, it originated from Southern Anhui. It is     63     (wide) recognised that it came into being after 1790 when the famous four Anhui opera troupes came to Beijing. After that, there were lots of performances not only in folk places, but also in the palace, which     64     (promote) Beijing Opera’s development.

From the 1920’s to the 1940’s, Beijing Opera enjoyed another golden age. The symbol of this period was the     65     (appearof lots of sects(流派)of the opera,    66    which the four most famous were “Mei”, “Shang”, “Cheng”, and “Xun”. Every sect had its groups of actors and actresses. Beijing Opera combines singing, reading, acting, fighting, and dancing together,    67     (use) acting methods to present characters and tell stories. That is     68     it is a comprehensive(综合的) art. Beijing opera features four main types of     69     (performer). There are several other supporting roles as well. In addition, the types of      70      (face) make-up, especially concerning the color, are the most particular art in Beijing Opera, because they can symbolize many things like the personalities of the roles.



61a    62referred    63widely    64promoted    65appearance    66of/among    67using    68why    69performers    70facial



61.考查冠词。句意:它有200多年的历史,已经传播到美国和日本等其他国家。修饰可数名词单数,表示泛指,用a。构成固定搭配:with a history of,意为……的历史。故填a

62.考查状语从句的省略。句意:虽然被称为京剧,但它起源于皖南。这里为状语从句的省略,状语从句的主语为主句主语“it”,完整形式为“although it was referred to as Beijing Opera”,主从句主语一致,将it省略,同时省略be动词。故填referred



65.考查名词。句意:这一时期的标志是出现了许多戏曲流派,其中最著名的四个是the +名词+of,分析句子成分可知,空处为名词形式。故填appearance

66.考查介词。句意:这一时期的标志是出现了许多戏曲流派,其中最著名的四个是。根据句意可知,空处指的是:four of/among lots of sects of the opera,意为“……中的四个。故填ofamong

67.考查非谓语动词。句意:京剧集唱、念、做、打、舞于一体,用表演的方式来表现人物、讲故事。这里为非谓语动词担当状语,和主句主语“Beijing Opera”之间为主动关系,用现在分词。故填using


69.考查名词。句意:京剧主要有四种演员。根据空前的“four main types of”可知,空处为名词的复数形式。故填performers


第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错 (10小题;每小题1分,满分10)







I love playing football. Instead, just a year ago I showed no interest in them at all. What changed my attitude? It was the article introducing Leo Messi. Before reading this article, I only knew about his perfectly skills. But later I also learned about his honest, generosity and friendliness, make me one of his faithful followers. I began to watch matches and played football with my classmates. Then, I joined in the school football team. Though my skills are not good enough for me compete in the big games, I am making progress day by day. But at the same time, I am becoming more and more healthy and confident.












【详解】1.考查副词。句意:然而,就在一年前,我对它一点也不感兴趣。上句“I love playing football.(我喜欢踢足球)”提到喜欢踢足球,与本句是转折关系,应用表示转折的副词howeverneverthelessInstead“相反不符合逻辑关系,故将Instead改为However/Nevertheless




5.考查名词。句意:但后来我也了解到他的诚实,慷慨和友好,使我成为他的忠实追随者之一。此处和名词“generosity and friendliness”并列,应用名词形式作宾语,honesty诚实,不可数名词,故将honest改为honesty


7.考查动词原形。句意:我开始看比赛,和我的同学踢足球。play是和to watch并列的动词不定式,可省略不定式符号to,故此处用动词原形,故将played改为play

8.考查动词用法。句意:然后,我加入了学校足球队。结合句意可知,此处指我加入了学校足球队,指加入某个组织,用动词joinjoin in意为参加,不符合题意,故删除in

9.考查动词不定式。句意:虽然我的技术还不足以让我在大型比赛中竞争,但我每天都在进步。be enough for sb. to do sth.意为对某人来说足够做某事,故此处应用动词不定式,故在compete前加to


第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

72.(2023·全国·高三假期作业)假设你是学生李华,你校计划于下周日上午主办题为“My Dream”的英语演讲比赛,你准备参加。请你根据以下要点写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:



Good morning, my dear friends!

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________【答案】Good morning, my dear friends!

I’m very glad to stand here to give you a speech about dreams. A dream is like a light tower, showing the way when one is sailing on the sea, without which one may not know where he goes or even gets lost in life. Therefore, have a dream and that really matters!

As for my dream, I’ve decided to become a doctor to help relieve patients’ pain or even save their lives, which, I believe, is helpful and well worth doing. However, realizing it is really a big challenge for me. Anyhow, I will work hard and go all out for it, exposing myself to books especially on medicine so that I can go to my ideal university. I’m quite sure I can achieve my dream. As a saying goes: If you can dream it, you can do it.

Thank you!

【导语】本文是开放作文。假设你是学生李华,你校计划于下周日上午主办题为“My Dream”的英语演讲比赛,你准备参加。请你根据以下要点写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:你对梦想的看法;你的梦想;你打算如何实现你的梦想。



重要:matter→count/be important

决定做: decide to do→make a decision to do

有帮助的:helpful→of help



原句:However, realizing it is really a big challenge for me

拓展句:However, it is really a big challenge for me to realize it.

【点睛】[高分句型1] A dream is like a light tower, showing the way when one is sailing on the sea, without which one may not know where he goes or even gets lost in life.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句和介词+which”引导的非限制性定语从句)

[高分句型2] As for my dream, I’ve decided to become a doctor to help relieve patients’ pain or even save their lives, which, I believe, is helpful and well worth doing.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)

[高分句型3]Anyhow, I will work hard and go all out for it, exposing myself to books especially on medicine so that I can go to my ideal university.(运用了现在分词作伴随状语以及so that引导的目的状语从句)

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