

正文概述 王宝红   2023-09-20  


第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




2023·河北张家口·高三统考期末)Some under-30 travelers prefer to get around with people their own age. If that’s you, you’re in the right place! Follow us to South America and cover all of the highlights.

Start  Lima, Peru

Finish  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Destinations  Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Peru

Group size  Min 1, Max 16

Why you’ll love this trip

·Wander in the Amazon jungle at night. Float (漂浮) down the river, keeping an eye out for the frightening eyes of jaguars and caimans.

·Tour the floating islands of Uros on Lake Titicaca. Spend the night under the stars in a traditional island village.

·Whether you trek (跋涉) the classic Inca Trail, the Inca Quarry Trail or take the scenic train route to Machu Picchu, trust us, this is going to be one of the highlights of your life.

·Don’t worry. We won’t occupy all of your time. You’ll have plenty of opportunity to bounce around Cusco, digging deep into the pockets of Inca history.

·Go to the strangely wonderful La Paz, from the wines of the Witches’ Market to the tasty treats of Mercado Lanza.

·Ever dreamt of walking on water? Now’s your chance. The sprawling salt lakes of Bolivia serve up special photo opportunities.

·The Iguazu Falls is on the border between Argentina and Brazil, and you’ll be able to see it from both sides.

·Rio de Janeiro is a great place to end the trip. Party down with the locals and experience a culture at the beating heart of Brazil.

21Where can the tourists learn about Inca history?

AIn Lima. BIn Machu Picchu. CIn Cusco. DIn Rio de Janeiro.

22What is the trip like?

ARelaxing and interesting. BAdventurous and exciting.

CComfortable and refreshing. DEducational and economical.

23Which site can be admired from two different countries?

AThe floating islands of Uros. BThe Inca Quarry Trail.

CThe Witches’ Market. DThe Iguazu Falls.


【答案】21C    22B    23D



21.细节理解题。根据倒数第五段“You’ll have plenty of opportunity to bounce around Cusco, digging deep into the pockets of Inca history.(你将有很多机会在Cusco到处转转,深入挖掘印加历史。)”可知,游客在Cusco可以了解印加历史。故选C

22.推理判断题。根据Why you’ll love this trip部分中“·Wander in the Amazon jungle at night. Float (漂浮) down the river, keeping an eye out for the frightening eyes of jaguars and caimans.(·晚上在亚马逊丛林中漫步。顺河而下,留意美洲虎和凯门鳄可怕的眼睛。)”以及“·Ever dreamt of walking on water? Now’s your chance. The sprawling salt lakes of Bolivia serve up special photo opportunities.(梦想过在水上行走吗?现在是你的机会。玻利维亚广阔的盐湖提供了特殊的拍照机会。)”可推知,这次旅行冒险又刺激。故选B

23.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“·The Iguazu Falls is on the border between Argentina and Brazil, and you’ll be able to see it from both sides.(·伊瓜苏瀑布位于阿根廷和巴西的边境,你可以从两边都看到它。)”可知,伊瓜苏瀑布可以从两个不同的国家欣赏。故选D


2023·江苏南京·南京市第一中学校考模拟预测)We were standing at the top of a church tower. I saw twisting streets leading to the square. “See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square.”

Father’s words always guided me. Dreaming of becoming a fashion designer, I came to Paris, but without luck. Then one day I met a friend wearing a beautiful sweater. “What an interesting stitch!” I cried. “It was done by Mrs. Vidian,” my friend explained. “She learned the stitch in Armenia, her native country.” Suddenly I had a daring idea. Why not design, make and sell my own clothes?

I drew a butterfly pattern and asked Mrs. Vidian to knit it into a sweater. It proved a success. A New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks. I accepted the order. My happiness disappeared, however, when Mrs. Vidian told me it took her almost a week to knit one sweater.

I was crushed. Then I remembered father’s words. There must be other Armenian women in Paris who mastered the special stitch. Then I searched for any Armenians living in Paris. At last I tracked down several. Two weeks later, the first shipment was on its way to the United States!

From that day on orders poured in. Then came another test. As I was busy getting ready to show my winter fashions, the sewing girls were called out on strike. Where was the way out this time? I wondered and worried. Then it dawned on me.

I worked hurriedly. And right on time, my show took place. Some coats had no sleeves; some were only patters made of heavy cotton cloth, but on these I attached material to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished. What a show! Once again father’s words helped me.

24What problem did the writer face after accepting the order?

AIt was impossible for Vidian to meet the deadline. BThe sewing girls were called out on strike.

CShe found it hard to track Armenians living in Paris. DThere was a shortage of suitable cloth.

25What do the underlined words “the first shipment” refer to in Paragraph 4?

ARaw materials. BMore orders. CThe forty sweaters. DThe special stitch.

26How did the writer deal with the show problem?

AShe put off the show. BShe showed the clothes unfinished.

CShe employed more sewing girls. DShe completed the clothes in a hurry.

27Which of the following might the writer agree with?

APractice makes perfect. BLike father, like son.

CEasier said than done. DAll roads lead to Rome.


【答案】24A    25C    26B    27D



24.细节理解题。根据第三段“My happiness disappeared, however, when Mrs. Vidian told me it took her almost a week to knit one sweater.(然而,当Vidian太太告诉我,她织一件毛衣几乎要花一个星期的时间时,我的快乐消失了)”可知,作者在接受订单后,Vidian不可能在最后期限前完成任务。故选A

25.词句猜测题。根据第三段“A New York store wanted 40 sweaters to be ready in two weeks. I accepted the order.(一家纽约商店希望在两周内准备好40件毛衣。我接受了订单)”以及划线词上文“Then I searched for any Armenians living in Paris. At last I tracked down several.”可知,作者找了几个住在巴黎的亚美尼亚人来完成这四十件毛衣。故划线词指的是四十件毛衣。故选C

26.细节理解题。根据最后一段“Some coats had no sleeves; some were only patters made of heavy cotton cloth, but on these I attached material to show what colors and textures the clothes would have when they were finished.(有些外套没有袖子;有些只是用厚棉布做成的图案,但我在这些图案上附上了布料,以显示衣服完成后的颜色和质地)”可知,作者通过展示了未完成的衣服处理展示问题。故选B

27.推理判断题。根据第一段“We were standing at the top of a church tower. I saw twisting streets leading to the square. “See, my dear,” Father said gently. “There is more than one way to the square.”(我们站在教堂的塔顶上。我看到蜿蜒曲折的街道通向广场。看,亲爱的,父亲温柔地说。通往广场的路不止一条。”)”结合文章主要讲述了父亲说过的通往广场的路不止一条的话一直在指引着作者,帮助作者度过一次次难关。可推知,作者认同条条大路通罗马。故选D


2023·江苏南京·南京市第一中学校考模拟预测)Trees don’t look at the calendar to see when spring arrives, but they seem to know when spring is here better than we do. The annual shift from winter to spring is a breathtaking event to watch as leaves become green and a lush(苍翠的) environment reveals itself. Recently a research takes a look at why trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected.

Scientists use satellite imagery to see when plants turn green. By comparing spring green ups in the 85 largest US cities, scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of artificial lights and urban heat effect.

According to the findings, one of the reasons is the artificial light. City lights brightening the night skies, billboard signs lit up on roadways and car headlights all contribute to shifting the regular day to night cycle that plants and trees rely on. In order to stay alive during cruel winters, trees hit the pause button on their growth. Since temperatures can vary dramatically throughout the winter, the length of daylight is the signal trees look for to safely start growing again and turn green.

On average cities are typically 1.8 to 5.4F warmer than rural areas. This is known as the urban heat island effect. The changes in city environments may affect seasonal changes even more than climate warming and mosquito season, water cycles, and also affect pollinators(授粉媒介).

Despite the worries and concern, it isn’t all bad news. “With a longer growing season, trees would be able to absorb more carbon dioxide,” A researcher said. “Hopefully they’d have a longer period to do the cooling effect that can help relieve the urban heating effect in cities.”

28What is the purpose of the text?

ATo reveal how trees survive bitter winters.

BTo warn how human activities disturb nature.

CTo explain why trees turn green earlier in cities.

DTo clarify how trees turning green earlier benefits cities.

29How did the scientists conduct their research?

ABringing out urban heat island effect.

BComparing the green-up time in sample cities.

CAllowing the city environment to reveal itself.

DDeveloping pictures shot by the satellite.

30Which of the following elements contributes to trees turning green earlier?

APlant pollinators.   BWater cycle. CRoad signs. DStreet lamps.

31In which section of a website can the text be found?

AEnvironment. BEducation. CEntertainment. DBusiness.


【答案】28C    29B    30D    31A



28.推理判断题。根据第一段“Trees don’t look at the calendar to see when spring arrives, but they seem to know when spring is here better than we do. The annual shift from winter to spring is a breathtaking event to watch as leaves become green and a lush (苍翠的) environment reveals itself. Recently a research takes a look at why trees in cities are turning green earlier than expected.(树木不看日历看春天什么时候来,但它们似乎比我们更清楚春天什么时候来。每年冬去春来,看着树叶变绿,郁郁葱葱的环境展现出来,这是一件令人惊叹的事情。最近的一项研究着眼于为什么城市中的树木比预期的更早变绿)”结合文章主要说明了最近的一项研究着眼于为什么城市中的树木比预期的更早变绿,解释了研究开展的过程,以及说明了城市中的树木更早变绿的原因。可推知,文章的目的是解释为什么城市里的树变绿得早。故选C

29.细节理解题。根据第二段“By comparing spring green-ups in the 85 largest US cities, scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of artificial lights and urban heat effect.(通过比较美国85个最大城市的春季绿化情况,科学家发现,由于人工照明和城市热效应的共同作用,城市树木平均提前9天开始变绿)”可知,科学家们通过比较样本城市的树木开始变绿的时间进行研究。故选B

30.细节理解题。根据第三段“According to the findings, one of the reasons is the artificial light. City lights brightening the night skies, billboard signs lit up on roadways and car headlights all contribute to shifting the regular day to night cycle that plants and trees rely on.(根据研究结果,其中一个原因是人造光。城市的灯光照亮了夜空,道路上的广告牌和汽车的前灯都有助于改变植物和树木所依赖的正常的昼夜循环)”可知,路灯(属于人造光)导致树木提早变绿。故选D

31.推理判断题。根据第二段“Scientists use satellite imagery to see when plants turn green. By comparing spring green ups in the 85 largest US cities, scientists found that on average trees start to turn green nine days earlier in cities due to the combined effect of artificial lights and urban heat effect.(科学家们利用卫星图像来观察植物何时变绿。通过比较美国85个最大城市的春天变绿,科学家们发现,由于人工照明和城市热效应的共同作用,城市里的树木平均提前9天开始变绿)”结合文章主要说明了最近的一项研究着眼于为什么城市中的树木比预期的更早变绿,解释了研究开展的过程,以及说明了城市中的树木更早变绿的原因。可推知,文章选自网站的环境部分。故选A


2023·山西临汾·临汾第一中学校校联考三模)When my Aunt Nicki visits me in London, we avoid musical theater and the cinema. Aunt Nicki is hard of hearing. Although there are many enhanced listening devices available to help her, such as a closed captioning (配字幕的) screen that sits in a cup holder, she tells me they don’t work well enough.

When I recently tried on the new “smart caption glasses” at the Royal National Theatre, I had her on my mind. The theater is testing a pilot program for the technology and plans to make the glasses available for all of its performances next year. When you look through them, closed captions scroll (滚动) across the bottom. A handheld keypad is attached to the glasses through cable (电缆线) to allow each user to customize the color, size and position of the closed captions. Changing the positioning of the text is key for user comfort.

The biggest challenge is finding the sweet spot of balancing the captions in the foreground with the theater performance in the background. The lines of the play are fed into speech software, which follows the performance and adjusts the captions accordingly. “If a performer jumps a few lines, the system will react,” said Jonathan Suffolk, the technical director for the Royal National Theatre. “It will take a second or two but the system will react and it will recognize where it is.”

Richard France — who works for a group called Deafinitely Theatre, which creates performances for both the deaf and hearing communities — has worked with many different technologies but calls the smart glasses a potential game changer. “This new technology allows the deaf and hard of hearing to have complete access,” he said. “It’s really amazing how far we’ve advanced and how it has positively affected the quality of life for people who are deaf and hard of hearing.”

So perhaps the next time Aunt Nicki comes to London, we’ll be able to catch a show together.

32Why does the author mention Aunt Nicki in paragraph 1?

ATo present his opinion. BTo introduce the topic.

CTo provide an example. DTo give the background.

33How do users control the closed captions on smart glasses?

ABy using a handheld keypad. BBy turning on the hidden text.

CBy scrolling across the bottom. DBy sending speech recognition.

34What can we infer about the speech system according to Jonathan Suffolk?

AIt fails to find the balance point. BIt sometimes misses a few lines.

CIt responds to performers quickly. DIt refuses to change captions on the screen.

35Which can be a suitable title for the text?

ASmart Glasses: A Game Changer BSmart Glasses: A Symbol of Hope

CSmart Glasses: A Solution to Blindness DSmart Glasses: A Revolution to Theatres


【答案】32B    33A    34C    35A



32.推理判断题。根据第一段“When my Aunt Nicki visits me in London, we avoid musical theater and the cinema. Aunt Nicki is hard of hearing. Although there are many enhanced listening devices available to help her, such as a closed captioning (配字幕的) screen that sits in a cup holder, she tells me they don’t work well enough.(当我的尼基姨妈来伦敦看我时,我们避免去看音乐剧和电影。尼基阿姨听力不好。虽然有很多增强的听力设备可以帮助她,比如一个放在杯架上的封闭字幕屏幕,但她告诉我,这些设备的效果还不够好)”和第二段“When I recently tried on the new “smart caption glasses” at the Royal National Theatre, I had her on my mind. (最近,当我在皇家国家剧院试戴新的智能字幕眼镜时,我脑海中浮现出了她)”可推知,作者在第一段提到Nicki阿姨来引出这个话题(新型的智能字幕眼镜)。故选B

33.细节理解题。根据第二段“A handheld keypad is attached to the glasses through cable (电缆线) to allow each user to customize the color, size and position of the closed captions.(手持式键盘通过电缆连接到眼镜上,允许每个用户定制关闭字幕的颜色,大小和位置)”可知,用户通过手持键盘控制智能眼镜上的隐藏字幕。故选A

34.推理判断题。根据第三段““If a performer jumps a few lines, the system will react,” said Jonathan Suffolk, the technical director for the Royal National Theatre. “It will take a second or two but the system will react and it will recognize where it is.”(“如果表演者跳了几行,系统就会做出反应,英国皇家国家剧院的技术总监乔纳森·萨福克说。这需要一两秒钟的时间,但系统会做出反应,并识别出它在哪里。”)”可知,系统在一两秒钟的时间内会做出反应,根据乔纳森·萨福克的说法,语音系统对表演者的反应很快。故选C

35.主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段“Richard France — who works for a group called Deafinitely Theatre, which creates performances for both the deaf and hearing communities — has worked with many different technologies but calls the smart glasses a potential game changer.(理查德·弗朗斯就职于一个名为Deafinitely Theatre的组织,该组织为聋哑人和听力正常的人创作表演。他研究了许多不同的技术,但称智能眼镜是一个潜在的游戏规则改变者)”结合本文主要介绍了一种新型的智能字幕眼镜,可以帮助听力有障碍的人在剧院观看演出时更好地理解剧情。因此本文的最佳标题是A选项智能眼镜:游戏改变者。故选A


第二节 (5小题;每小题2,满分10)



The days when art was an Olympic sport

Did you know that creating works of art used to be an Olympic competition?    36    In the first year, Walter Winans became the first and the only Olympian to win medals for both art and sports. Despite this seemingly optimistic start, the idea of the arts being included in the Olympic Games soon met with disinterest, finally resulting in the removal of the art competition from the Olympic Games.


The idea to include art in the Olympics came from Baron Pierre de Coubertin, who was the founder of the International Olympic Committee, which created the modern Olympics. Coubertin believed that the arts and sports were linked and was impressed by anyone who had a firm command of both a sport and an artistic discipline(项目).

Why aren’t the arts included in the Olympics today?

For starters, only amateurs were allowed to compete in the arts part of the Olympics.    38    Having artists of average quality competing while only the most competent athletes were allowed to compete created a dramatic divide and gave the impression that the arts were not as important as sports.

Secondly, works of art created had to have sports as the subject matter.    39    Limiting the subjects also contributed to making the arts part of the Olympic Games boring to the general public.

Finally, one of the biggest reasons was that the arts are subjective. Sports can be judged by time and distance, making it easy to determine who is the winner.    40    This difficulty in judging a definite winner resulted in the arts part becoming a non-competitive exhibition that ran for the duration of the Olympic Games.

AWhy was art made an Olympic discipline?

BWhat is a discipline in the Olympic Games?

CThis rule made the objects produced seem really boring.

DThe arts, on the other hand, are not quite so easy to judge

EHowever, the arts part of the Olympics Games was soon abandoned

FThis means that many famous artists were banned from participating.

GFor 36 years, from 1912 to 1948, artists participated in the Olympic Games.


【答案】36G    37A    38F    39C    40D



36.根据前文“Did you know that creating works of art used to be an Olympic competition?(你知道创作艺术作品曾经是一项奥林匹克竞赛吗?)”可知,此处指出创作艺术作品曾经是奥林匹克竞赛的项目。G选项“For 36 years, from 1912 to 1948, artists participated in the Olympic Games.(1912年到1948年的36年间,艺术家们参加了奥运会。)”中指出艺术家们参加奥运会。artists与前文的creating works of art相呼应。故选G

37.根据后文“Coubertin believed that the arts and sports were linked and was impressed by anyone who had a firm command of both a sport and an artistic discipline(项目).( Coubertin相信艺术和体育是联系在一起的,他对任何既精通体育又精通艺术的人都印象深刻。)”回答了为什么艺术会成为奥运项目。A选项“Why was art made an Olympic discipline?( 为什么艺术会成为奥运项目?)”符合语境。故选A

38.根据前文“For starters, only amateurs were allowed to compete in the arts part of the Olympics .(首先,只有业余选手才被允许参加奥运会艺术部分的比赛。)”可知,只有业余选手才被允许参加奥运会。后文应该提到该项规定造成的影响。F选项“This means that many famous artists were banned from participating.(这意味着许多著名艺术家被禁止参加。)”指出,由于只有业余选手才被允许参加奥运会,这意味着许多著名艺术家被禁止参加。故选F

39.根据前文“Secondly, works of art created had to have sports as the subject matter. (其次,创作的艺术作品必须以体育为题材。)”指出,创作艺术作品必须要以体育为题材,由此该项规则对作品进行了限制。C选项“This rule made the objects produced seem really boring.(这个规则让制作出来的作品看起来很无聊。)”承接前文,指出前文限定规则后导致作品看起来无聊,符合语境。故选C

40.根据前文“Finally, one of the biggest reasons was that the arts are subjective. (最后,最大的原因之一是艺术是主观的。)”可知,由于艺术是主观的,所以很难去判定。以及“Sports can be judged by time and distance, making it easy to determine who is the winner. (运动可以用时间和距离来评判,因此很容易决定谁是赢家。)”可知,后文应该与此形成对应。D选项“The arts, on the other hand, are not quite so easy to judge.(另一方面,艺术就不那么容易判断了。)”与段首呼应的同时,与前文形成对应,符合语境。故选D

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45)

第一节 (20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30)


2023·贵州遵义·统考三模)Recently an old friend reached out to me to ask about the success I’ve had in my life and how I achieved it. He has similar    41    as me: get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be fluent in    42    .

Though I haven’t    43    reached my long term goals yet in any of these 3 aspects, he’s seen that I’ve made some    44    on my journey to achieving these goals and wanted my advice.

We had a nice hour and a half    45    about this and it seemed like he was pretty    46    by the end of the chat. A week went by and he told me that he    47    a personal fitness trainer, was    48    music theory, and sent me clips of him studying French. He’s posting    49    on social media about all of the progress he’s making. He’s doing great, full of motivation and     50     !

Eventually I’ll have to let him know that progress isn’t linear (线性的) and that he’ll undoubtedly     51     some hardships in the road, feeling depressed and disappointed. But I’m letting him enjoy the “beginner gains” in the meantime and will     52     him out when that time comes.

I’m     53     that he gave me the opportunity to serve him and offer him     54     , and I’m thankful to see that he’s     55     the time and money to improve his life. He has even     56     lately on the Twitter about how excited he is with all the     57     changes in his life and expressed his thanks to me.

Even if you’re still not where you want to be, there are a lot of people out there who want what you have now and who are     58     how far you’ve come. It feels so good to realize how much progress you’ve made, be     59     of yourself, and recognize how much you can help others     60     the same.

41Aproblems Bgoals Chabits Dhobbies

42AEnglish BJapanese CFrench DSpanish

43Adirectly Bentirely Cnaturally Dgradually

44Aprogress Bfriends Cadjustments Dmoney

45Ainterview Bargument Clesson Dchat

46Amotivated Bconfused Crelaxed Dtired

47Amade up for Bcaught up with Cgot along with Dsigned up for

48Asupporting Bstudying Cimproving Dproving

49Asecretly Bcasually Cregularly Dslowly

50Aimagination Bcreativity Ccuriosity Dpassion

51Aovercome Bavoid Cface Dremove

52Acall Bhelp Cwear Dkeep

53Agrateful Bdesperate Canxious Dhopeful

54Afund Bchance Cadvice Dknowledge

55Ainvesting Blimiting Csharing Dsacrificing

56Areported Bcomplained Cjoked Dposted

57Asudden Bnecessary Crecent Dstrange

58Aimpressed with Bcautious about Cblind to Dsorry for

59Asensible Bcareful Ccritical Dproud

60Aadopt Bachieve Cunderstand Dpredict



41B    42C    43B    44A    45D    46A    47D    48B    49C    50D    51C    52B    53A    54C    55A    56D    57C    58A    59D    60B



41.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和我有相似的目标:保持身材,更认真地接触音乐,说一口流利的法语。A. problems问题;B. goals目标;C. habits习惯;D. hobbies爱好。根据下文“Though I haven’t ___3___ reached my long term goals yet in any of these 3 aspects, he’s seen that I’ve made some ___4___ on my journey to achieving these goals and wanted my advice. (虽然我还没有在这三个方面完全达到我的长期目标,但他看到我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进步,并想要我的建议。)”可知,goals 为复现词,get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be fluent in ___2___,这三个都是作者已经达成的目标,如今也是朋友的目标(goals),故选B项。

42.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他和我有相似的目标:保持身材,更认真地接触音乐,说一口流利的法语。A. English英语;B. Japanese日语;C. French法语;D. Spanish西班牙语。根据下文“A week went by and he told me that he ___7___ a personal fitness trainer, was ___8___ music theory, and sent me clips of him studying French. (一个星期过去了,他告诉我他签了一个私人健身教练,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段)”可知,作者学的是法语,朋友也想说一口流利的法语(French)。故选C项。

43.考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然我还没有在这三个方面完全达到我的长期目标,但他看到我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进步,并想要我的建议。A. directly直接地;B. entirely完全地;C. naturally自然地;D. gradually逐渐地。根据句中的“he’s seen that I’ve made some ___4___ on my journey to achieving these goals”可知,作者取得了进步,但是要说完全达成目标,还不够,entirely符合语境。故选B项。

44.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然我还没有在这三个方面完全达到我的长期目标,但他看到我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进步,并想要我的建议。A. progress进步;B. friends朋友;C. adjustments调整;D. money金钱。根据句中Though I haven’t ___3___ reached my long term goals yet in any of these 3 aspects,以及上文“It feels so good to realize how much progress you’ve made, be ___19___ of yourself, and recognize how much you can help others___20___  the same. (意识到自己取得了多大的进步,为自己感到骄傲,并意识到自己可以帮助他人取得同样的成就,这种感觉很好。)”可知,progress为复现词,作者已经小有所成,朋友来取经,说明朋友见证了作者的进步(progress)。故选A项。

45.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们聊了一个半小时,聊到最后,他似乎很有动力。A. interview面试;B. argument论证;C. lesson教训;D. chat聊天。根据后半句中“it seemed like he was pretty ___6___ by the end of the chat”可知,chat为复现词,作者跟朋友聊自己的成功历程。故选D项。

46.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们聊了一个半小时,聊到最后,他似乎很有动力。A. motivated积极的,主动的;B. confused困惑的;C. relaxed放松的;D. tired疲惫的。根据下文“A week went by and he told me that he ___7___ a personal fitness trainer, was ___8___ music theory, and sent me clips of him studying French. (一个星期过去了,他告诉我他报名参加了一个私人健身教练的课,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段)”,以及“He’s doing great, full of motivation and ___10___ ! (他做得很好,充满了动力和激情!)”可知,motivation为复现词,朋友和作者聊了以后,马上行动起来,说明他很有动力,学习积极(motivated)。故选A项。

47.考查动词短语辨析。句意:一个星期过去了,他告诉我他报名参加了一个私人健身教练的课,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段。A. made up for弥补;B. caught up with赶上;C. got along with相处融洽;D. signed up for报名参加。根据上文“He has similar ___1___ as me: get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be fluent in ___2___ . (他和我有相似的目标:保持身材,更认真地接触音乐,说一口流利的法语。)”可知,朋友也想健身,和作者聊过以后,去报了(signed up for)健身课。故选D项。

48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个星期过去了,他告诉我他报名参加一个私人健身教练的课,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段。A. supporting支持;B. studying学习;C. improving改进;D. proving证明。根据上文“He has similar ___1___ as me: get in shape, get into music more seriously, and be fluent in ___2___ . (他和我有相似的目标:保持身材,更认真地接触音乐,说一口流利的法语。)”可知,朋友的目标和作者的一样:更认真地学习音乐,先从音乐理论学起,又根据本句语境,朋友学健身、学法语、学音乐理论,studying符合语境。故选B项。

49.考查副词词义辨析。句意:他定期在社交媒体上发布他取得的所有进展。A. secretly偷偷地;B. casually随便地;C. regularly定期地,频繁地;D. slowly慢慢地。根据下文“He’s doing great, full of motivation and ___10___ ! (他做得很好,充满了动力和激情!)”可知,朋友充满激情和动力,努力学习,对于取得的进步会经常地(regularly)晒在媒体上,故选C项。

50.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他做得很好,充满了动力和激情!A. imagination想象力;B. creativity创造力;C. curiosity好奇心;D. passion激情。根据上文“A week went by and he told me that he ___7___ a personal fitness trainer, was ___8___ music theory, and sent me clips of him studying French. He’s posting ___9___ on social media about all of the progress he’s making. (一个星期过去了,他告诉我他报名参加了一个私人健身教练的课,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段。他定期在社交媒体上发布他取得的所有进展。)”可知,刚开始的阶段,朋友热情高涨,动力十足,passion符合语境。故选D项。

51.考查动词词义辨析。句意:最后,我必须让他知道,进步不是线性的,他在前进的道路上无疑会遇到一些困难,感到沮丧和失望。A. overcome克服;B. avoid避免;C. face面对;D. remove去除。根据句中“some hardships in the road, feeling depressed and disappointed ”可知,学习过程中常会遭遇困难,face符合语境。故选C项。

52.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但在此期间,我会让他享受初学者的收获,并在时机成熟时帮助他。A. call打电话;B. help帮助;C. wear穿;D. keep保持。根据上文“Eventually I’ll have to let him know that progress isn’t linear (线性的) and that he’ll undoubtedly ___11___ some hardships in the road, feeling depressed and disappointed. (最后,我必须让他知道,进步不是线性的,他在前进的道路上无疑会遇到一些困难,感到沮丧和失望。)”,以及“It feels so good to realize how much progress you’ve made, be ___19___ of yourself, and recognize how much you can help others___20___  the same. (意识到自己取得了多大的进步,为自己感到骄傲,并意识到自己可以帮助他人取得同样的成就,这种感觉很好。)”可知,作者知道,在学习过程中会遭遇困难,到时候也愿意帮助(help)朋友走出困境。故选B项。

53.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很感激他给我机会为他服务,为他提供建议,我也很感激他投入时间和金钱来改善他的生活。A. grateful感恩的;B. desperate绝望的;C. anxious焦虑的;D. hopeful充满希望的。根据上文“Recently an old friend reached out to me to ask about the success I’ve had in my life and how I achieved it. (最近,一位老朋友找到我,问我在生活中取得的成功以及我是如何取得成功的。)”,以及本句的后半句“and I’m thankful to see that he’s ___14___ the time and money to improve his life”可知,thankful为同义复现词,朋友主动来讨教经验,很信任作者,作者感激他给了自己这么一个机会,grateful符合语境。故选A项。

54.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很感激他给我机会为他服务,为他提供建议,我也很感激他投入时间和金钱来改善他的生活。A. fund基金;B. chance机会;C. advice建议;D. knowledge知识。根据上文“Though I haven’t ___3___ reached my long term goals yet in any of these 3 aspects, he’s seen that I’ve made some ___4___ on my journey to achieving these goals and wanted my advice. (虽然我还没有在这三个方面完全达到我的长期目标,但他看到我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进步,并想要我的建议。)”,以及“We had a nice hour and a half ___5___ about this and it seemed like he was pretty ___6___ by the end of the chat. (我们聊了一个半小时,聊到最后,他似乎很有动力。)”可知,advice为复现词,作者在朋友的询问下,给予了建议(advice)。故选C项。

55.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我很感激他给我机会为他服务,为他提供建议,我也很感激他投入时间和金钱来改善他的生活。A. investing投资;B. limiting限制;C. sharing分享;D. sacrificing牺牲。根据上文“A week went by and he told me that he ___7___ a personal fitness trainer, was ___8___ music theory, and sent me clips of him studying French. (一个星期过去了,他告诉我他报名参加了一个私人健身教练的课,正在学习音乐理论,还给我发了他学习法语的片段。)”可知,朋友学健身,学音乐,学法语,都要投入时间、精力,investing符合语境。故选A项。

56.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他最近甚至在推特上表示,他对自己生活中最近发生的变化感到多么兴奋,并表达了对我的感谢。A. reported报道;B. complained抱怨;C. joked开玩笑;D. posted发帖。根据上文“He’s posting ___9___ on social media about all of the progress he’s making. (他定期在社交媒体上发布他取得的所有进展。)”可知,朋友在媒体上发帖(posted),展示自己的变化,也感谢作者。故选D项。

57.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他最近甚至在推特上表示,他对自己生活中最近发生的变化感到多么兴奋,并表达了对我的感谢。A. sudden突然的;B. necessary必要的;C. recent最近的;D. strange奇怪的。根据上文“Recently an old friend reached out to me to ask about the success I’ve had in my life and how I achieved it. (最近,一位老朋友找到我,问我在生活中取得的成功以及我是如何取得成功的。)”可知, 朋友最近才来咨询作者,所以最近一个阶段 朋友在媒体上晒自己的变化,recent为复现词,故选C项。

58.考查形容词短语辨析。句意:即使你还没有达到你的目标,也有很多人想要你现在所拥有的,他们对你所取得的成就印象深刻。A. impressed with……印象深刻的;B. cautious about……谨慎;C. blind to视而不见;D. sorry for……感到抱歉。根据上文“Recently an old friend reached out to me to ask about the success I’ve had in my life and how I achieved it. (最近,一位老朋友找到我,问我在生活中取得的成功以及我是如何取得成功的。)”“Though I haven’t ___3___ reached my long term goals yet in any of these 3 aspects, he’s seen that I’ve made some ___4___ on my journey to achieving these goals and wanted my advice. (虽然我还没有在这三个方面完全达到我的长期目标,但他看到我在实现这些目标的过程中取得了一些进步,并想要我的建议。)”可知,作者一直在努力提高中,哪怕只是取得了一些进步,朋友也看到了他的变化,因此才来取经,也想跟作者一样有所提升,impressed with符合语境。故选A项。

59.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:意识到自己取得了多大的进步,为自己感到骄傲,并意识到自己可以帮助他人取得同样的成就,这种感觉很好。A. sensible理智的;B. careful细心的;C. critical批判的;D. proud骄傲的。根据上文“Even if you’re still not where you want to be, there are a lot of people out there who want what you have now and who are ___18___ how far you’ve come. (即使你还没有达到你的目标,也有很多人想要你现在所拥有的,他们对你所取得的成就印象深刻。)”,以及本句中“It feels so good to realize how much progress you’ve made”,从朋友那里听到对自己提升进步的肯定,并以自己为榜样,作者很是自豪(proud)。故选D项。

60.考查动词词义辨析。句意:意识到自己取得了多大的进步,为自己感到骄傲,并意识到自己可以帮助他人取得同样的成就,这种感觉很好。A. adopt采用;B. achieve实现;C. understand理解;D. predict预测。根据上文“He has even ___16___ lately on the Twitter about how excited he is with all the ___17___ changes in his life and expressed his thanks to me. (我很感激他给我机会为他服务,为他提供建议,我也很感激他投入时间和金钱来改善他的生活。他最近甚至在推特上表示,他对自己生活中最近发生的变化感到多么兴奋,并表达了对我的感谢。)”可知,朋友在媒体上公开感谢作者,说明朋友在实现三个目标上也取得了成就,achieve符合语境。故选B项。

第二节 ( 10小题:每小题1.5, 满分15)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式.

2023·江西吉安·江西省泰和中学校考一模)Different countries have wildly different forms of greeting.

In the USA, when you pass by someone you know, a nod is acceptable, and you usually shake hands with someone you first meet. But in Latin countries, a firm handshake   61   (consider) rude. In my home country, Mauritius, when people meet, they usually kiss each other     62     the cheeks. This is also common in France,     63     the act is called faire la bise. However, this is not    64   universal rule.

During my first week in the USA, I kissed every single girl I met. My friends had to tell me that that was inappropriate,   65   (leave) me in great embarrassment. What is common here, however, is for friends     66     (hug) each other – something I was not used to. Hugs always make me    67   (frighten) because I don’t really like that. This may seem strange since even kissing    68   (stranger) is normal in my country. Now that I think about it, I hate cheek-kissing as well.

Wouldn’t it be     69    (enjoy) to have a greeting code that is      70     (wide) acceptable? I’m not saying we should start doing that, but we can surely do something to avoid misunderstanding.



61is considered    62on    63where    64a    65leaving    66to hug    67frightened    68strangers    69enjoyable    70widely



61.考查时态语态。句中主语a firm handshake和动词consider是被动关系,此处作谓语用被动语态。表示客观事实,与上下文一致用一般现在时。故填is considered





66.考查动词不定式。句中What is common here是主语从句,此处强调具体的动作用不定式作表语。故填to hug





第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分35)

第一节 短文改错 (10小题;每小题1分,满分10)







2023·江西·濂溪一中校联考模拟预测)Last month,I finish reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms writing by Luo Guanzhong. It is a Chinese historical novel based upon the events what happened between the late Eastern Han Dynasty or the Three Kingdoms. h is praised as one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. I’ve learned a lot of from the novel. I really like reading, which can broaden your horizon and make me learn knowledges. A good book is like a wise man, a teacher, a friend and a partner. I do advise chose a good book to read. lf everyone does it regular, the history culture and many other aspects will handed down from generation to generation.

【答案】1.finish → finished

2.writing → written

3.what→which / that

4.or → and

5.删除 lot 后的 of

6.your → my

7.knowledges →knowledge

8.chose →choosing

9.regular → regularly

10.will 后加 be


【详解】1.考查时态。句意:上个月,我读完了罗贯中的《三国演义》。根据句子的时间状语Last month可知本句用一般过去时,谓语动词应用过去式finished。故将finish改为finished

2.考查非谓语动词。句意:同上。分析句子结构可知,非谓语动词write做后置定语修饰前面的名词短语Romance of the Three Kingdoms,且和其是动宾关系,所以此处要用过去分词表被动。故将writing改为written

3.考查定语从句。句意:这是一部中国历史小说,以东汉末年至三国之间发生的事件为基础。分析句子可知,events后是一个限制性定语从句,先行词the events为物,且关系词在从句中作主语,所以此处要用关系代词whichthat。故将what改为which/that


5.考查介词。句意:我从这本小说中学到了很多东西。a lot of后接名词,a lot后不接名词,本句of后没有名词,所以需要删除of。故删除lot后的of


7.考查名词。句意:我真的很喜欢阅读,它可以拓宽我的视野,让我学到知识。knowledge 意为知识,是不可数名词。故将knowledges改为knowledge



10.考查语态。句意:如果每个人都经常这样做,历史、文化和许多其他方面将代代相传。分析句子可知,主语culture and many other aspects和谓语动词hand是动宾关系,所以本句要用被动语态。故将will后加be

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1.时间、地点、参与者;2.开展活动内容(至少三点); 3.简要评论本次活动。


Volunteering in the Sunshine Children's Home

Last Sunday


【答案】One possible version:

Volunteering in the Sunshine Children's Home

Last Sunday all the students in my class went to the Sunshine Children's Home for voluntary work.

We got up early and set off at 7 o'clock. All the students paid special attention to this activity. On arrival, we presented the kids with many beautiful gifts, which attracted the children’s attention right now. Then we organized the kids to carry out different activities. Some taught the older to draw pictures. Others told stories to the younger. Later we held a party, playing games, singing and dancing together. All day the kids were surrounded with happiness. On the way back home, we felt a strong sense of achievement because everyone think  this kind of voluntary work is significant.

Not only does it enrich our life experience but also it improve our sense of social responsibility.



出发:set off→set out


立刻:right now→right away




原句:Some taught the older to draw pictures. Others told stories to the younger.

拓展句:Some taught the older to draw pictures while others told stories to the younger.

【点睛】[高分句型1]On arrival, we presented the kids with many beautiful gifts, which attracted the children’s attention right now. (运用了which引导定语从句)

[高分句型2]Not only does it enrich our life experience but also it improve our sense of social responsibility.(运用了部分倒装结构)



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