

正文概述 申水林   2023-03-01  






一、单词拼写 (根据语境写出单词的正确形式,共30小题,每空1分,共计30

1.We should take cost into ___________(考虑) before the construction.

2. Encourage your kid to reach a __________(妥协)between what he wants and what you want.

3. They discussed a lot in the __________(会议) and finally the problem was settled.

4. Free trade and environmental protection has become a __________(共识;一致) of countries in the world.

5. The management plan consists of four main __________(成分), and each one is equally important.

6. He is a __________(顾问) on law affairs. You can ask him for advice on your divorce case.

7. You can go anywhere and still the __________(指南针) points north or south.

8. All the schools have music and dancing as part of the __________(课程).  

9. My real ambition was to work in a __________(马戏团), so I can travel around to different places and perform shows with animals.

10. I stepped outside and pulled up my __________(领子) of my overcoat around my neck against the cold mist.

11. The nine __________(全体人员)on the Boeing 747 were released unharmed while all the passengers were killed.

12. She is a humorous girl and she has the _________(能力) to tell funny stories.

13. To prevent traffic_________(事故), the cyclists should give signals before turning or stopping point.

14. Last week, we organized an _________(活动) about the topic “how to make our campus clean” among all the students.

15. Absolutely, there are many _________(优点) for young people to work in the city.

16. Undoubtedly, there are lots of reasons why more and more people suffer from _________(癌症).

17. It goes without saying that _________(自信) is greater than fear.

18. Whether we are happy or not depends on our _________(态度) towards life.

19. In order to reduce our parents’ _________(负担), we can take part-time jobs in our spare time.

20. It is obvious that _________(清洁工) play an important part in our life.

21. If I were a doctor, I would be patient enough to give _________(安慰)to the patients when they are discouraged.

22. He has the spirit of taking risks and he always looks for._________(冒险) 

23. She was seriously injured and we got a _________救护车and rushed her to hospital immediately.

24.Prices have risen steadily during the past _________(十年), namely from 2004 to now.

25. Such _________(装饰品) is a typical feature of the new year festival.

26. The _________(牙医) took out his bad tooth yesterday.

27. I must work hard to go to university, for I think nothing is more important than ________(教育).

28. What is certain is that every ________(结果) must have a cause. 

29. I work hard to improve my English studies, and I believe my ________(努力) won’t be wasted.

30. There are four _________(紧急情况) exits in the department store. 


1. The old woman is very merciful and so far she _________(adopt) many abandoned cats.

2. The UN will act _________ a guarantor (保证人) of the peace settlement.

3. My mother got extremely _________(annoy) when she knew I had cheated in the exam.

4. You should make an _________(apologize) to him for your rudeness.

5. Upon _________(arrive), he adapted to the new life quickly.

6. Nowadays, as parents, they should attach importance ________ the students’ mental heath.

7. His father is a famous actor and his mother is also a well-known _________(act).

8. Jane left her husband owing to his _________(accept) behavior.

9. The topic of the speech is announced a week _________ advance.

10. After hearing the _________(amaze) news, he was left quite _________(amaze).

11. He was quite excited because he eventually got his father’s _________(approve) about his traveling plan.

12. To practice my oral English, I spent _________ large amount of time on it.

13. His parents always blame him _________ his laziness.

14. He was wanted by the police in connection _________ the robbery.

15. It is very _________(consider) of you to send me a present for my birthday.

16. The argument sounds reasonable, but actually it is _________(correct).

17. She was such a selfless woman that she devoted all her life to _________(help) the poor.

18. Parents _________(constant) remind us to keep away from drugs.

19. He _________(collect) stamps and coins since six years ago.

20. Success should not be measured only by educational _________(achieve).

21. It took quite a long time for the young boy to adjust _________ the college life.

22. In our school, students are not allowed to leave school without head teachers’ _________(admit).

23.The pilot                  (announce) with apology that there would be a slight delay before settling down.

24.The moment the famous singer finished singing, the audience stood up and__________ (applaud) warmly.

25                (approach) the city centre, we saw a stone statue of about 10 metres in height.

26A number of high buildings have              (arise) where there was nothing a year ago but ruins.

27The young men were              (assess) as either safe or unsafe drivers.

28Health is frequently thought to be               (associate) with a balanced diet and plenty of exercise.

29               (attempt) to change someone else’s attitude towards life is a waste of time and energy.

30The baby in the next room              (awake) and began to cry.

短语句型 请根据汉语提示完成下列英文句子30小题,每小题1分,满分30分。

1. Due to the limits of the medical conditions in Africa, the spread of Ebola Virus (埃博拉病毒) may ______________(失去控制) in some of these areas.

2. After a few months, she ______________(变得习惯) the job of being a secretary in the company.

3. As a student from a remote area, what he wants most is that he can ____________(被录取) a key university through his effort.

4. He felt quite disappointed by failing to _____________(申请) the patent for his invention.

5. The new film ____________(……为基础) a true story, which touched a lot of audience.

6. It is pointed out that drinking white tea frequently ______________(……有利/有利于) people’s health.

7. Scientists look forward to ______________(取得突破) in their treatment of that deadly disease.

8. ______________(……底部) my heart, I very appreciate you for your sincere help.

9. If we just focus on how we want the future to be, we may ______________(视而不见) the opportunities along the way.

10. With practice, it is possible for people to ______________(屏住呼吸) for three minutes.

11. When we are grown up, certainly we have to take the responsibility to ___________(照顾) our parents in return.

12. Once he ______________(下定决心), he would never ______________(改变主意).

13. He was late for school ______________(由于) its bad weather.

14. The police asked the prisoner ______________(做出选择) — he could ________ give the name of his companions, _________ (要么……要么) go to prison.

15. The twin brothers ______________(有很多共同点) and they can understand each other very much.

16. To make the generation gap narrow, it is of great significance for parents to learn how to ______________(沟通/交流) their children.

17. If you want to be promoted one day, please ______________(专注于/全神贯注) your work rather than how to try to please your boss.

18. ______________(……相比) the women, most men prefer to stay at home rather than go shopping.

19. From what has been discussed above, it can be easy for us to ________________(得出以下结论).

20. Edison ______________(被认为) one the greatest scientists in the world for his great achievement in science.

21. I am determined to study hard and ________________(做出贡献) to our country’s development in the future.

22. Nobody can deny the fact that interests and hobbies are of great importance ______________ (在孩子们的成长过程中).

23. It is known to all that our country ______________(富足/丰富) natural resources.

24. Along with a new body awareness, your child is likely to ______________(好奇) other children’s bodies and will play games ______________(例如) doctors and nurses.

25. When a employee is wanted, the employer will _________ many aspects such as age, race, sex, family as well as personal health ______________ (考虑到).

26. Come and see me ___________________________________ .方便的时候来看看我。

27. By the end of last year , another new gymnasium ___________________ in Beijing.


28. He will have learned English for eight years by the time he _________________________ next year.


29. I feel it is your husband who ____________________ the spoiled child .


30. It will not be long before we know ______________________________ .



1. 参赛者主要是从不同班级、不同年级选拔出来的学生,他们踊跃参加比赛。2020新高考山东卷书面表达】

The players, ____________________________________________________________, attended the race vigorously.

2. 竞争非常激烈。2020新高考山东卷书面表达】


3. 从学校大门到南山脚下的跑步路线旁的人行道上挤满了师生,他们为选手们发出了热烈的欢呼和掌声。2020新高考山东卷书面表达】

The pavements beside the running route, _______________________________________________, were packed with students and teachers who gave loud cheers and applause to the players.

4. 虽然累得筋疲力尽,但队员们都认为这次比赛是提高身体素质的好办法。2020新高考山东卷书面表达】

_______________________, the players all _________ this competition ____ a good way of boosting physical quality.


However, the adaption is ________________________. 


______________________________________, we don’t want anything inappropriate to spoil the play.


So would you please _________________to review the draft script attached to this email and ____________________?


______________________, may I pay you a visit at your office next Tuesday to give you more details?


__________________________, I’d be very appreciative if you offer to give some professional advice.



They told Bernard how to sell the popcorn. Bernard and his parents______________________.  

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