

正文概述 申水林   2023-09-15  


                                           命题人:闫新娟   2023.9.14

I 单句语法填空

1. Before leaving,the _     (form) manager gave us a wonderful speech.

2. Out of__   (see), out of mind.

3. I'm glad to tell you that your_____(select) is intelligent.

4. After my     (graduate), Dad's business was getting back on track.

5. He was very _    (frighten)when looking down from the top floor of the building.

6. Things are going well, but there is always something just       the corner!

7. Your       (memorise) is your ability to remember things.

8. Keep your schedule on your desk for easy__   ( refer ).

9. The accident occurred during the__   (perform) of his duties.

10. Just keep__  open mind and take part in various volunteer activities.


look back on   at the sight of   deal with   refer...to   as if

look forward to   if so   come to an end   go all out          in particular

1. I feel        high school was only yesterday!

2. We may arrive there at 2 pm.         ,we canwatch the dolphins' performance.

3. But how did you_________ new challenges,like starting a new course?

4. When we hurried to the meeting, the debate had        .

5. The topic_       at the meeting didn’t draw our interest.

6. The competition is so important to us all that we must_____.

7. Is there anything else_     that you'd like to share with us?

8.        my high school life, the most important advice I’d give is “Well begun, half done."

9.        the old piano, he remembered the first band he was in.

10.I am        your early reply.


III 阅读理解


We had a military training (军训)for a whole week in late August after stepping into our new senior high school. The military coaches were all strict with us. Frankly speaking, we all felt very tired, and even had pains in our legs. However, we all persisted in practising, and felt satisfied with ourselves eventually.

In the morning we arrived at the playground in lines on time. Then you could hear our military coaches shout at the top of their voices“Stand at attention”, “Stand at ease”,“Turn left”,“March”,“Run…”, All the students were practicing carefully. Exhausted as we were, none of us asked to have a rest, none of us complained, none of us wanted to drop out. Under the blazing sun, despite high temperature and thirst, we stood still for an hour with sweat dripping down from our faces all the time. In the moonlight, we played games heartily, bursting into laughter now and then. On the grass, divided into two groups, we competed to sing encouraging military songs in high spirits one after another. At the meeting, hearing their moving speech, we felt regretful for wasting time before. At that time we realized we should have been grateful to our parents and teachers, with tears in our eyes. And we all made up our minds to study harder. On the afternoon of the last day, our principal sang high praise for our behaviour, and encouraged us to keep this persistent spirit in future.

Though this military training is a tough experience, we challenged ourselves and overcame those difficulties. We felt proud from the bottom of our hearts. There is no doubt that this military training has left a deep and durable impression on me, on all my classmates.

1How does the author like this military training?

ATiring and disappointing. BEnjoyable and comfortable.

CMeaningful and fruitful. DSurprising and exciting.

2What does the writer mainly describe in Paragraph 2?

AThey had some difficulties in practicing.

BThey always practiced without difficulty.

CThey made every effort to practice and behaved very well.

DThe principal hoped to praise them in person.

3What will the writer do if he meets a new student of this school next August?

APersuade him or her to study hard.

BAdvise him or her to run regularly on the playground with some military coaches.

CTry to make the principal praise him or her.

DEncourage him or her to take military training seriously, and finish it successfully.

4What may be the best title of this passage?

ASome Strict Coaches BA Far-reaching Experience

CPersistence Is Important DA Difficult Period



With the start of the new term, the students around the country exchange their fun and fashionable clothes for boring school uniforms. But not all schools are fashion deserts. Colorful sports shoes, school bags, T-shirts and even drink containers are breathing life into campuses.

“The uniform makes us look like a bunch of clones, especially when we are doing morning exercises on the playground,” said Qing Pei, a Senior 2 from Shanghai Qibao High School. “But the boys wear different sports shoes and girls have different decorations in their hair. These are the areas where you can express yourself,” said Qing.

Although it might be strange for boys to talk about fashion, they do care about what they wear in school, especially shoes, according to Qing.

“Nike and Adidas basketball shoes, although they are still the must-have items for many of my friends, are becoming out-of-date,” Qing added. He explained that “Since Liu Xiang ran so fast in Athens, running shoes are becoming popular in this autumn.”

“Still in fashion are the various baseball caps and American-style T-shirts with random (随意的) English words printed on them,” said Qing. “The accuracy of the written message is not important. Often, the words are misspelt. Sometimes they do not even make sense,” Qing said with a smile.

Besides sports shoes and T-shirts, styles and colors of school bags are another opportunity for students to express their taste in fashion. Some bags are made more eye-catching by decorating them with small hanging dolls.

Other fashionable items are the colorful drink containers which are now popular among girls this term.

“Some teachers are surprised to see a teenager sucking a bottle like this at school and criticize it as a childish regression (退化). But some girls just love it,” said Yang Rui, a Senior 3. from High School attached to Xi’an Jiaotong University.

1Which is NOT the way girls show their personality at campuses?

AThey wear different sports shoes.

BThey take stylish and colorful school bags.

CThey have different decorations in their hair.

DThey drink water from colorful drink containers.

2What are becoming fashionable for school-boys according to this news story?

ANike and Adidas basketball shoes.

BBaseball caps and American-style T- shirts.

CColorful drink containers.

DRunning shoes.

3The underlined word “they” refer to ______.

AAmerican-style T-shirts

BThe English words on the T-shirts

CBaseball caps

DThe students around the country

4Which conclusion of the following is WRONG?

AStudents go to extremes in dressing.

BStudents also like to follow fashion trends.

CStudents nowadays like to be more individual.

DStudents don’t care much whether the words printed on caps or T-shirts make sense or not.



How often do you look back on your life and wish you had done things differently? Most of you may say regret is at least an occasional part of your life, while some may feel regret “all the time”. Although filling your life with regrets is indeed bad for you, going to the other extreme may be even worse. To truly get over your guilt requires that you put regret in its proper place. 1__________   

Make a list of your regrets.

Write down why each regret bothers you and its lingering bad effects. Be honest without catastrophizing (小题大做). For example, you may note that you hurt a friend’s feelings through your own fault. 2.__________.You will find that a list is a lot less frightening than what you thought.

Forgive yourself.

After you make a mistake, life moves on. 3._____________.In other words, you have voluntarily chosen to punish yourself for a poor decision you made in the past. Now it is the time to forgive yourself by declaring: “I make amends with myself and will not waste another minute of my life reliving a decision that cannot be changed.”

Look for the lesson.

Regret is like a school run by human nature. If you never experienced regret, you would keep repeating the same behaviors that led you to miss opportunities and wreck relationships in the past. 4._____________.In your list of regrets, also note how you want to change your behavior, and outline your resolutions going forward. Next, list all the ways that you can invest in your own skills and improvement right now-and get started.

Regrets may hurt, but being trapped in them is destructive. Trying to live without them is a lost opportunity to grow. Life is a journey full of pleasures and pains. 5._______________

ACan you undo what caused the regret?

BYet sometimes you just can’t stop kicking yourself.

CMaking a list of your regrets may free you from shame or sorrow.

DYour regret can teach you to become smarter and more successful.

EBut you should also note that this certainly didn’t ruin the person’s life.

FSo, what can you do when you find yourself regretting for your past missteps?

GTo live it well means learning from every bit of it, including the mistakes, and moving forward.



Jennaa popular girl from Westwood Middle School, had graduated first in her class and was ready for new 1   in high school.

2   high school was different. In the first week, Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛)for cheerleaders(拉拉队队员). She was 3  against very talented girls,and she knew it would be 4  for her to be selected. Two hours later,the 5  read a list of the girls for a second tryout. Her heart sank as the list ended without her name. Feeling 6  , she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.

Arriving home, she started with maths. She had always been a good maths student, but now she was 7   .She moved on to English and history, and was relieved to find that she didn't have any_8  with those subjects. Feeling better, she decided not to  9  maths for the time being.

The next day Jenna went to see Mrs.Biden about being on the school 10  . Mrs. Biden wasn't as enthusiastic(热情的)as Jenna.

“I’m sorry, but we have enough_11 for the newspaper already. Come back next year and we'll talk then.”Jenna smiled_12_ and left. “Why is high school so 13  ?” she sighed.

Later in maths class, Jenna applied herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much trouble and got them right. As she gathered her books, Jenna decided she’d 14  to try to fit in at her new school. She wasn't sure whether she’d succeed, but she knew she had to 15  .

1. A. subjects    B. decisions   C. exercises D. challenges

2. A. Therefore    B. However   C. Otherwise D. Besides

3. A. competing    B. arguing   C. protecting D. speaking

4. A. difficult    B. easy       C. likely     D. interesting

5. A. employer    B. boss       C. applicant  D. judge

6. A. strange       B. unhappy   C. disappointed D. lonely

7.A. struggling    B. improving   C. working   D. complaining

8. A. trouble       B. confidence   C. patience  D. opportunities

9. A. put up       B. prepare for  C. worry about  D. give up

10. A. committee    B. newspaper    C. radio       D.team

11. A. speakers    B. readers    C. cheerleaders  D. writers

12. A. happily    B. weakly    C. excitedly   D. brightly

13. A. similar    B. ordinary    C. different   D. familiar

14. A.refuse       B. continue    C. seem       D. offer

15. A. swim    B. try       C. ask       D. escape


Lisa Osborne 1_   (graduate) from our school last June and was about 2   (go) to college in New York. She came to share her suggestions for high school with us. She told us Orientation Day was really helpful. It's a 3    (fantasy) opportunity for new students to know the school and other 4   ( student). When the interviewer asked her5     she dealed with new challenges, she said that she was 6     (frighten) at the sight of the test paper. But then she figured she'd better just go 7    out and see what happens. As a member of the school volleyball team, she wasn’t selected for the end-of-year 8    (compete). At first, she was really sad, but later she realized that she joined the team for the love of the sport. So she kept 9     (work) hard to support her teammates during the training.

Lisa said the most important advice she’d give was those wonderful words from the writer Maya Angelou-Be a rainbow in somebody else’s cloud. She also advised us to give our friends 10 hand when they need it.





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