

正文概述 申水林   2023-10-26  


                                           命题人:闫新娟   2023.10.26


1. The ___________ was greedy for knowledge, and has a deep understanding of the

___________ in his country. (law)

2. In all ___________ of our life, there are always ___________ people who deserve

people’s ___________. (respect)

3. It’s likely that your jeans are not___________for such a formal occasion, so    you’d better replace it with a ___________. (suit)

4. We are working on the___________(assume) that everyone has the ability to settle difficult problems.

5. In his___________, ___________Smith deserves our respect, because he is indeed ___________in communicating with children. ( profession )

6. Im afraid that it is beyond my          to make a          impact on the children. (power)

7.            from her expression, the          her brother made on the issue made her dissatisfied. (judge)

8. Sam has worked in the company for 20 years, and his honesty has earned him great respect and          . So everyone of us          him. (admire)

9. With the problem          , they finally got a new          . (settle)

10. Would you like to give a          description of the rescue? We are eager for more          . (detail)



1. ___________(choose) a proper title is the first step to make a good impression on your teacher.

2. When I came across the words I am unfamiliar with, I would turn ___________ the dictionary for help.

3. With the development of technology, the Internet increased ___________ (option) for movie lovers.

4. Many teenagers are surprisingly ___________ (ignore) about current politics.

5. In the great effort not to offend, we end up ___________ (say) nothing.

6. Obviously, the student had no other choice but to apologize          his teacher for the mistake he had made.

7. Its typical of the slim girl          (keep) others waiting for her, making others annoyed.

8. Whenever I am          trouble, my friend, Linda, a lawyer will do me a favour without hesitation.

9. He was not a responsible father, because he set off for London, leaving his children

          with their mother.

10. When you          (learn) English, you will find it a bridge to knowledge.



In October, I told the eight-year-olds in the class I teach in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey, about my plan. “Since all of you have done extra jobs around the house to earn some money,” I said, “then we’ll buy food for a Thanksgiving dinner for someone who might not have a nice dinner otherwise.”

I watched them while they walked up and down the supermarket. “Flowers!”  Kristine cried. The group rushed towards the holiday plants.

“You can’t eat flowers.”— It was wiser to use any extra money to buy something that could be turned into meals.

“But Mrs Sherlock,” came the begging voice, “we want flowers.”

Defeated finally, I put a pot of “funny” purple mums in the cart full of foods. “She’ll like this one,” the children agreed.

An organisation had given us the name and address of a needy grandmother who had lived alone for many years. We finally pulled up in front of a small house. A slightly-built woman with a weary face came to the door to welcome us.

My little group ran to get the foods. As each box was carried in, the old woman kept on saying “Thanks.”— much to her visitors’ pleasure. When Amy put the mums on the counter, the woman seemed surprised. She was wishing it was a bag of rice, I thought.

We returned to the car. As we fastened our seat belts, we could see the kitchen window. The woman inside waved goodbye, then turned and walked across the room, past the turkey, past the goods, straight to the mums. She put her face in them. When she raised her head, there was a smile on her face. She was transformed (转变) before our eyes.

The children were quiet. At that moment, they had seen for themselves the power they have to make another person’s life better. The children had sensed that sometimes a person needs a pot of funny purple flowers on a dark November day.

1What does the story mainly tell us?

AEveryone has the power to change the world.

BActs of kindness can change someone’s life.

CThe poor people may need flowers as well.

DChildren have different thoughts from adults.

2What does the underlined word “mums” in Paragraph 5 refer to in the passage?





3Why did the author consider the mums “funny”?

AShe thought they were too ugly.

BShe thought they were for children.

CShe thought they were too expensive.

DShe thought they couldn’t help people in need.

4What can we know from the passage?

AThe old woman preferred food to flowers.

BFlowers are more important than food to the poor.

CThe old woman’s dark day was brightened by the children.

DAll the money the children earned was transformed into food.


The arts, especially music, should be part of every school’s lessons at every grade level. BStudents would be much smarter if they had some musical experience. They could improve their classroom skills, like paying attention and following directions. People develop all these skills when they learn music. Making music also lets children use their imagination. It provides students with a chance to try out their own ideas.

Music not only makes children better students, but also gives them something positive to do. In a music programme, children can be part of a band instead of joining a gang (团伙). Parents can enjoy listening to their children’s music instead of seeing them glued to a computer or TV screen. In a school band, students get to be part of a team. They can get along well with old friends and make new friends through music.

Music builds self-confidence, too. It gives children a sense of achievement and success. Making music is something for them to be proud of, and it lets kids practise performing in front of the audience. Music gives children an opportunity for self-expression, and that helps develop their self-confidence.

Once again, music is important because it can make children better students, give them something positive to do, and build their character. That is why music lessons should be offered in every single grade in every school.

5According to the passage, music could make students smarter by________.

Aimproving their classroom skills and paying attention

Bimproving their classroom skills and imagination

Cimproving their attention and imagination

Dletting them make music and try out their own ideas

6What does the underlined phrase “glued to” in the second paragraph mean?

AUnwilling to turn on.

BAlways looking at.

CUnwilling to move.

DAlways playing with.

7The third paragraph mainly tells us that music could________.

Amake children express themselves

Bbring children success

Cgive children something to be proud of

Ddevelop children’s self-confidence

8What’s the best title of this passage?

AMusic Is a Must as a Course at School

BMusic Builds Children’s Self-confidence

CMusic Makes Students Much Smarter

DLearning Music and Making Music Build Children’s Character



Can siblings (兄弟姐妹) learn to get along? The answer to this question is, yes! Maintaining healthy relationships is challenging. 1.______They discover that when siblings lovingly invest in their relationships, the resulting friendships are an incredible(不可思议的) blessing.

Apply the following recommendations to strengthen your relationships with your siblings.

Recognize the significance of your role.

The role you have in your siblingslives is one that no one else can play. You can be a source of great good in your siblingslives by investing encouragement, praise and love in your relationship. Or, you can be a source of hardship by acting selfishly. 2._______   

Appreciate your differences.

You and your siblings will have many differences, even when you grow up in the same household. Sometimes differences drive people apart, but those differences can often help you grow. 3.______. Instead, learn about and learn from them. As you learn to get along with your siblings, you are preparing for other relationships in the future.


When conflicts(冲突) arise between you and your siblings, do all you can to restore your relationship without delay. When you are wrong, ask for forgiveness for your hurtful attitudes, words, and actions. When a sibling has offended (冒犯) you and comes to ask for your forgiveness, forgive quickly.

Invest in your enemies.

When you give something away, you usually gain deeper appreciation from those who receive your gift. At times when you are struggling to get along with a particular brother or sister, consider giving. 5.________    You could also offer to help him or her with a project or a household chore (家务).

ASpend time together.

BResolve conflicts quickly.

CDont be afraid of your differences.

DDiscuss what you are learning in school and life.

EBut many families are finding that sibling harmony is possible.

FEither way, your influence makes a permanent impression on your siblings.

GThink about what you can give: time, words of praise, or gifts--things your sibling will enjoy.


Before I was born, my mom had worked as a nurse. However, she resigned (辞职) shortly after my birth to     1     me. After I turned 12, she     2     to work.

She left at 5:45 am, which left me     3     for waking myself up, preparing breakfast and walking to take the 7:30 am bus. I     4     being left home alone in the mornings. On days when she didn't go to the     5    , she drove me both ways. Those were the     6     days.

One day, as we walked down the sidewalk, I saw an elderly man     7     us. He broke into a wide smile, but I didn't     8     him. “Leigh! Leigh!” he called my mother's name. I looked at him and smiled, unsure of my role.

“I hope you know how     9     you are!” he said after some small talk with Mom. I looked at him     10     since I had no idea what he was talking about.

“You have the most wonderful,     11     and lovely mother,” he said. “When I was in hospital last month, she took good care of me. Actually, young lady, I shall never     12     her.” Right then, I     13     what it meant for my mom to be a     14    . She was caring for, serving and loving total     15    , often during the darkest times in their lives. She cared for them and me, too.

1Asend for Bwait for Ccare for Dseek for

2Arefused Breturned Cplanned Dagreed

3Aready Banxious Ceager Dresponsible

4Ahated Bregretted Cenjoyed Dpracticed

5Ahospital Bschool Ccompany Dbank

6Abusiest Blongest Chappiest Dloneliest

7Ajudging Bapproaching Ccomforting Ddragging

8Areject Bspot Cadmire Drecognize

9Alucky Bcute Cpretty Dsweet

10Acalmly Bexcitedly Cconfusedly Ddisappointedly

11Aintelligent Bcaring Cattractive Doutgoing

12Aforgive Bleave Ccheat Dforget

13Adoubted Bunderstood Cignored Dwondered

14Adoctor Blady Cnurse Dhelper

15Astrangers Bfriends Ccolleagues Dadults


Heated      1     argueand cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents. Teenagers’ physical changes can be painful and will result in such family tensions. When it all      2     gettoo much, your parents are often the first targets of your anger. It can be a big headache to balance your      3     developmental needs too. It can be difficult when your parents expect you      4     actlike an adult but still treat you like a child. All of this can lead to a breakdown in your relationship.

Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation. The key to      5     keepthe peace is regular and honest communication.      6     you disagree you’re your parents, take a minute to calm down and try to understand the situation      7     their point of view. After you have thought it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly, listen carefully,      8      address their concerns. This      9     stormperiod between teenagers and their parents will not last. Every thing will turn out all right in the end, and the changes and challenges of your teenage years             prepareyou for adulthood.

VI 书面表达







Family Matters









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